Monday, June 20, 2011

Chapter 5: Managing a Cisco ASA (Part03)

Chapter 5: Managing Firewall Users

Add a note here Overview

Add a note here Refer to the following sections for information about these topics:

  • Add a note here 5-1: Managing Generic Users Covers how default “generic” or ambiguous users can be allowed to connect to a firewall and execute commands or make configuration changes.

  • Add a note here 5-2: Managing Users with a Local Database Presents methods to configure unique usernames locally on the firewall. You can then manage these users’ privileges and monitor their activity.

  • Add a note here 5-3: Defining AAA Servers for User Management Discusses external servers that can be used to authenticate, authorize, and keep accounting records about user activity on and through a firewall.

  • Add a note here 5-4: Configuring AAA to Manage Administrative Users Explains the configuration steps needed to offload user management functions when administrative users connect to a firewall.

  • Add a note here 5-5: Configuring AAA for End-User Cut-Through Proxy Covers the methods that can be used to authenticate users initiating connections through a firewall and to authorize their ability to do so.

  • Add a note here 5-6: Firewall Password Recovery Discusses procedures that can be used to recover or bypass a firewall’s privileged user password when it is lost or forgotten.

Add a note here Although its primary function is to provide and enforce security policies at the boundaries of networks, a Cisco firewall also supports several methods to manage users who interact with it. Firewall users fall into the following general categories:

  • Add a note here Administrative users— Users who can open administrative sessions with the firewall to make configuration changes or to monitor activity. These users can connect to the firewall through the console, Telnet, Secure Shell (SSH), or the PIX Device Manager (PDM)/Adaptive Security Device Manager (ASDM) application.

  • Add a note here End users— These are users who need to open connections through the firewall. These connections can use various protocols, which are all ultimately inspected by the firewall. When the user first initiates a connection, the firewall intervenes with an authentication challenge. If the user successfully authenticates, that connection is opened. Through the cut-through proxy feature, the firewall opens future connections for that user without any intervention.

  • Add a note here VPN users— Remote-access users who need to open VPN client connections to the firewall. The firewall can use extended authentication (xauth) to authenticate the users before the VPN connections are completed.

Add a note hereFirewalls can perform three basic operations to manage any user’s access:

  • Add a note here Authentication— A user’s identity is verified against known credentials.

  • Add a note here Authorization— A user’s privileges are predefined and approved by a third party.

  • Add a note here Accounting— A user’s activity is recorded for auditing or billing purposes.

Add a note hereFinally, a Cisco firewall can support several levels of user management, based on the amount of control and security that is required. For example, a firewall can authenticate a user based on a generic password only, against a local or internal user database, or against databases maintained on external servers.

Add a note hereWhen users log in to a firewall, they are assigned a privilege level from 1 to 15 (0 is available, but is not used). User authentication and privilege levels are used for all management interfaces:

  • Add a note hereThe command-line interface

  • Add a note hereAdaptive Security Device Manager (ASDM)

  • Add a note hereCisco Security Manager (CSM) or VPN/Security Management Solution (VMS)

Add a note here By default, users begin at level 1 and move to level 15 only when they successfully enter privileged EXEC or enable mode.

Add a note hereFirewall commands are also given various privilege levels, so users can run only commands that are at the same level as or at a lower level than their own. By default, all firewall commands (both EXEC and configuration) are given privilege level 0 (the lowest) or 15 (the highest). Additional levels between 0 and 15 can be defined if the user community needs to be segmented further.

5-1: Managing Generic Users

Add a note hereBy default, administrative users can authenticate with a firewall by using only a password. After they are authenticated, these users are known by the generic username enable_1.

Add a note hereThe firewall prompts you for the password in Telnet and SSH sessions, but not in console sessions. On the console, a user is immediately placed at the unprivileged level.

Add a note hereWith SSH sessions, users are prompted for a username and password. You can use the username pix as the generic username.


Add a note hereEven though you might be using an ASA or FWSM platform, you can still use pix as a username. The generic username began with the PIX family and has been retained since.

Add a note hereThe following sections present the configuration steps needed to authenticate administrative users based only on a password or on a username and password pair, and to authenticate end users initiating traffic through the firewall.

Add a note here Authenticating and Authorizing Generic Users

Add a note hereGeneric user authentication is performed using only passwords. Users are authorized to perform certain actions based on the privilege level that they are permitted to use. Passwords can be defined for the two default privilege levels 0 and 15, as well as other arbitrary levels, using the following configuration steps:

  1. Add a note hereSet the unprivileged mode password:

    Add a note hereASA, FWSM

    Add a note here

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# {password | passwd} password [encrypted]

    Add a note herePIX 6.3

    Add a note here

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# {password | passwd} password [encrypted]

    Add a note hereThe generic user at privilege level 0 can be authenticated by entering the password string password. After the command is entered, the password string is encrypted whenever the configuration is displayed. This is denoted by the encrypted keyword.

    Add a note here You can also transfer this command to another firewall by copying and pasting. As long as the encrypted keyword is retained, the new firewall can use the same encrypted password.


    Add a note hereYou can use the following commands to reset the level 0 password to the default value cisco:

    Add a note hereASA, FWSM

    Add a note here

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# clear {password | passwd}

    Add a note herePIX 6.3

    Add a note here

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# clear {password | passwd}
  2. Add a note hereSet a privileged-mode password:

    Add a note hereASA, FWSM

    Add a note here

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# enable password [pw] [level priv_level] [encrypted]

    Add a note herePIX 6.3

    Add a note here

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# enable password [pw] [level priv_level] [encrypted]

    Add a note hereThe password for privilege level priv_level is set to the string pw. If the level keyword is omitted, the password for enable mode or privilege level 15 is assumed.

    Add a note hereYou can use this command to define a new unique privilege level to support a subset of administrative users. Specify the priv_level as a level between 0 and 15.

    Add a note hereIf you need to reset the privilege level password to its default value (no password), use the enable password configuration command with no pw string given.


Add a note hereAdministrative users can gain access to a specific privilege level by using the enable level command, where level is 0 to 15 (the default is 15).

Add a note here Accounting of Generic Users

Add a note hereWhen a firewall is configured to authenticate administrative users with only a password, you can perform user accounting only through the logging function. You should make sure the following Syslog message IDs are enabled to use them as an audit trail of user activity. The default severity levels are shown in parentheses:

  • Add a note here 611101 (6)— Successful user authentication

  • Add a note here 611102 (6)— Failed user authentication

  • Add a note here 111008 (5)— User executed the command text

  • Add a note here 111009 (6)— User executed the command show text

  • Add a note here 611103 (5)— User logged out

  • Add a note here 502103 (5)— User changed privilege levels

Add a note hereIt might seem odd that users connecting through the firewall console are not logged with a 611101 authentication message. This is because the console remains logged in to the generic privilege level 1 user at all times.

Add a note hereFor example, the following output shows the Syslog audit trail for a user who moved into privilege level 15 (enable mode) and made a configuration change. Later, you might need to trace back and see which user made a specific change to the firewall.

Add a note heresingle_vf : %PIX-7-111009: User 'enable_1' executed cmd: show clock
single_vf : %PIX-5-502103: User priv level changed: Uname: enable_15 From: 1 To:
single_vf : %PIX-5-111008: User 'enable_1' executed the 'enable' command.
single_vf : %PIX-5-111008: User 'enable_15' executed the 'configure terminal'
single_vf : %PIX-5-111008: User 'enable_15' executed the 'access-list acl_outside
permit ip any any' command.
single_vf : %PIX-5-611103: User logged out: Uname: enable_1


Add a note hereAlthough the default generic user authentication is flexible and convenient, it offers little security benefit. For example, users log in by entering the level 1 password only. This means that every user must know and use the same password; there will never be an audit trail showing exactly who logged in. All level 1 users are simply shown as enable_1.

Add a note hereThe level 15 enable access is similar—users must enter one enable password that is common to all administrators. Those users are simply shown as enable_15. Again, no accurate audit trail shows what user made what configuration change to the firewall.

Add a note hereBest practice dictates authenticating users with usernames that uniquely identify them. Each user also has a unique password and can be assigned to a specific privilege level if needed. This can be done in a local (internal) user database or on an external user database server.

5-2: Managing Users with a Local Database

Add a note hereYou can configure a firewall to control user access by defining users in its local database. This approach assigns usernames and passwords to each end user, allowing access rights and accounting trails to be granular and specific.

Add a note here Each user must use a unique username when accessing or passing through the firewall. For administrative users, privilege levels can be defined to authorize their ability to access firewall commands. User activity can also be tracked and identified by the unique usernames.

Add a note hereYou can define usernames locally on the firewall if external user management servers (RADIUS, TACACS+, and so on) are unavailable or impractical. However, local user management does have some limitations. For example, each user’s password must be configured and updated on the firewall. Usernames must be added or deleted as users come and go from the enterprise. If a consistent user management framework must be used across the network, each user’s credentials and access rights must be maintained at every location.

Add a note hereWithout a central point of management, local user databases do not scale very well and can become difficult to administer. Best practice is to use external user management servers first and then fall back on a local user database as a last resort.

Add a note here Authenticating with Local Usernames

Add a note hereYou can use the following configuration steps to define usernames locally on the firewall.

  1. Add a note hereDefine each firewall user:

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# username username [{nopassword | password password}
    [encrypted]] privilege level

    Add a note hereThe user identified as username (a text string of up to 15 characters) can have a password configured with the password keyword. After password is entered, it is encrypted automatically so that the cleartext string is never displayed in the configuration. If this command is copied and pasted from one firewall to another, the encrypted keyword specifies that the password string is already encrypted before the command is executed.

    Add a note hereIf you choose to configure the user with no password, using the nopassword option, the blank password is still displayed as an encrypted string. However, you should carefully consider this, because anyone will be able to log in to the firewall (and potentially make configuration changes) by knowing only the username.

    Add a note hereA privilege level must be given as level (1 to 15), where 15 is the highest level the user is allowed to reach. This limit applies only when enable authentication is configured. (See Step 3.)

    Add a note herePrivilege level 1 is the lowest and offers the user the least capability. At level 15, the user can access and use any command on the firewall platform. All users begin at level 1 when they successfully authenticate. To move to a higher privilege level, users must issue the enable command.

  2. Add a note hereEnable local user authentication:

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# aaa authentication {serial | telnet | ssh | http} console LOCAL

    Add a note here You can enable user authentication locally on the firewall for any of the following access methods:

    • Add a note here serial (console connection)

    • Add a note here telnet (Telnet)

    • Add a note here ssh (SSH sessions)

    • Add a note here http (Web-based management with PDM or ASDM)

    Add a note hereYou can repeat this command to define local authentication for more than one connection type.

    Add a note hereYou must always use the console keyword, indicating that firewall management sessions are being authenticated. The LOCAL keyword causes the firewall’s local username database to be used for authentication.


    Add a note hereIt might seem odd to use the aaa command here, even though external AAA servers are not used for the local user database. The firewall processes all user management functions involving usernames as AAA functions. A predefined AAA server group called LOCAL uses the LOCAL “protocol,” as if the following command were used:

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# aaa-server LOCAL protocol local

    Add a note hereRequests that would go out to an external AAA server are intercepted and handled internally according to the local username database.

  3. Add a note here(Optional) Authenticate users for enable mode:

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# aaa authentication enable console LOCAL

    Add a note hereBy default, privilege level 15 is defined with the enable password configuration command. Any user who can successfully authenticate with the firewall can also use the enable command to move to level 15—regardless of the privilege level set for the username. As well, all users share the same password for privilege level 15.

    Add a note hereYou can configure enable authentication so that each user must enter an independent enable password to reach a higher privilege level. With local authentication, the enable password is the same as the username password for each user.

    Add a note hereAfter a user is authenticated with his or her enable password, the privilege level is changed to the level configured for the username. In other words, the privileged EXEC level is set on a per-user basis; not every user automatically arrives at level 15.

Add a note hereFor example, suppose the username userjoe is created with a privilege level limit of 15. A second user, userbob, has a privilege level limit of 5. Local authentication is used for SSH sessions. Enable authentication is configured locally so that each user can enter his or her password to move into the respective privilege level, as demonstrated with the following commands:

Add a note hereFirewall(config)# username userjoe password joespasswd privilege 15
Firewall(config)# username userbob password bobspasswd privilege 5
Firewall(config)# aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL
Firewall(config)# aaa authentication enable console LOCAL

Add a note hereUser userjoe logs in to the firewall and moves into his privileged EXEC level (15). Each time, userjoe’s username password is used for authentication. The show curpriv command verifies the user’s current identity and privilege level, as shown in the following output:

Add a note herelogin as: userjoe
userjoe@'s password:
Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.
Firewall&~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; show curpriv
Username : userjoe
Current privilege level : 1
Current Mode/s : P_UNPR
Firewall&~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; enable
Password: ********
Firewall# show curpriv
Username : userjoe
Current privilege level : 15
Current Mode/s : P_PRIV

Add a note here Authorizing Users to Access Firewall Commands

Add a note hereUsers are authorized to execute firewall commands based on a comparison of their current privilege level and each command’s privilege level. If the user’s level is greater than or equal to the command’s level, the user is allowed to use the command. If not, an error is returned.

Add a note hereBy default, only a simple authorization test is used. Users at privilege level 1 can use only commands that are set at level 1. If a user can move to any level greater than 1, he or she can access any other command—even commands set for level 15.

Add a note hereYou can use local command authorization to achieve more granularity. When it is enabled, strict privilege level comparisons are done for each command that is entered. Users who have privilege levels lower than the commands they try to use are rejected.

Add a note hereEach firewall command has a privilege level associated with it. Some command keywords can be used in several different modes, such as show (as in show pager), clear (as in clear pager), and configure (as in pager 24 in configuration mode). Each of these is considered a separate command, having a unique privilege level. Therefore, the privilege levels are assigned according to the command keyword and the mode in which it is used. EXEC mode commands that can be run without the show or clear keywords are referenced in configure mode. An example is the help command.

Add a note hereBy default, the commands shown in Table 5-1 are accessed with privilege level 0; all other commands default to level 15.

Add a note here Table 5-1: Commands Accessed with Privilege Level 0
Open table as spreadsheet

Add a note here Command

Add a note herePIX 6.3

Add a note hereASA

Add a note hereFWSM

Add a note here Firewall&~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; enable

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note here Firewall&~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; exit

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note here Firewall&~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; quit

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note here Firewall&~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; help

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note here Firewall&~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; login

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note here Firewall&~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; logout

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note here Firewall&~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; pager

Add a note here Firewall&~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; clear pager

Add a note here Firewall&~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; show pager

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereNo

Add a note hereNo

Add a note here Firewall&~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; ping

Add a note hereNo

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note here Firewall&~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; traceroute

Add a note hereNo

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereNo

Add a note here Firewall&~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; show checksum

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note here Firewall&~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; show curpriv

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note here Firewall&~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; show history

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note here Firewall&~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; show version

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note here Firewall&~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; show flash:

Add a note hereNo

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereNo

Add a note here Firewall&~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; show debug

Add a note hereNo

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereNo

Add a note hereLocal user authorization is configured using the following steps:

  1. Add a note here(Optional) Display the current privilege levels for commands:

    Add a note hereASA, FWSM

    Add a note here

    Add a note hereFirewall# show privilege {all | command command | level level}

    Add a note herePIX 6.3

    Add a note here

    Add a note hereFirewall# show privilege {all | command command | level level}

    Add a note hereYou can see the current privilege level configured for all possible firewall commands, or for only a single command command (only the first keyword). You can also see all the commands available to a user at a given privilege level level (0 to 15). (The default privilege levels are not shown in the configuration file. On an ASA or FWSM platform, you can see default settings for any command with the show run all command.)

  2. Add a note here Set a command’s privilege level:

    Add a note hereASA, FWSM

    Add a note here

    Add a note here
    Firewall(config)# privilege [show | clear | cmd] level level [mode
    mode] command command

    Add a note herePIX 6.3

    Add a note here

    Add a note here
    Firewall(config)# privilege {show | clear | configure} level level
    [mode {enable | configure}] command command

    Add a note hereFor the mode (show, clear, or configure) of the command keyword command, a new privilege level (0 to 15) is assigned. In ASA and FWSM, the configure mode is known only as cmd mode.

    Add a note hereSome commands can also be used in several submodes within a single mode. In PIX 6.3, for example, the clear logging command can be run from enable mode or configure mode. In either case, the contents of the logging buffer are cleared, but you might want to restrict that command when a user is in one mode versus another.

    Add a note hereIn ASA and FWSM, you can set command privilege levels with a greater granularity. You can use the mode keyword to identify a specific mode or submode where the command keyword is used. The mode parameter can be given as any one of the keywords shown in Table 5-2, usually shown in the firewall configuration mode prompt.

    Add a note here Table 5-2: ASA Privileged Command Mode Values
    Open table as spreadsheet

    Add a note here mode Keyword

    Add a note hereMode Description

    Add a note hereaaa-server-group

    Add a note hereAAA server group configuration mode

    Add a note hereaaa-server-host

    Add a note hereAAA server host configuration mode

    Add a note herecache

    Add a note hereWebVPN cache configuration mode

    Add a note hereclass

    Add a note hereResource class configuration mode

    Add a note hereconfig-dap-webvpn

    Add a note hereDynamic access policy WebVPN configuration mode

    Add a note hereconfig-group-webvpn

    Add a note hereGroup policy WebVPN configuration mode

    Add a note hereconfig-mount-cifs

    Add a note hereCIFS mount configuration mode

    Add a note hereconfig-mount-ftp

    Add a note hereFTP mount configuration mode

    Add a note hereconfig-mount-nfs

    Add a note hereNFS mount configuration mode

    Add a note hereconfig-username-webvpn

    Add a note hereUsername WebVPN configuration mode

    Add a note hereconfig-webvpn-customization

    Add a note hereWebVPN customization configuration mode

    Add a note hereconfig-webvpn-sso-saml

    Add a note hereWebVPN SAML SSO server configuration mode

    Add a note hereconfig-webvpn-sso-siteminder

    Add a note hereWebVPN SiteMinder SSO server configuration mode

    Add a note hereconfig-zonelabs-integrity

    Add a note hereZonelabs Firewall Server configuration mode

    Add a note hereconfigure

    Add a note hereGlobal configuration mode

    Add a note herecontext

    Add a note hereContext configuration mode

    Add a note herecrypto-ca-cert-chain

    Add a note hereCrypto certificate entry mode

    Add a note herecrypto-ca-cert-map

    Add a note hereCertificate map entry mode

    Add a note herecrypto-ca-crl

    Add a note hereCertificate authority trustpoint CRL entry mode

    Add a note herecrypto-ca-server

    Add a note hereCertificate Server entry mode

    Add a note herecrypto-ca-trustpoint

    Add a note hereCertificate authority trustpoint entry mode

    Add a note herecrypto-isakmp-policy

    Add a note hereCrypto ISAKMP policy configuration mode

    Add a note herecrypto-pubkey

    Add a note hereCrypto subsystem public key entry mode

    Add a note herectl-provider

    Add a note hereCTL Provider configuration mode

    Add a note heredns-server-group

    Add a note hereDNS server group configuration mode

    Add a note heredual-service-object-group

    Add a note hereDual Service object group configuration

    Add a note heredynamic-access-policy-record

    Add a note hereDynamic access policy record attribute configuration mode

    Add a note heredynupd-method

    Add a note hereDynamic DNS update method configuration mode

    Add a note hereenable

    Add a note hereEXEC mode (the keyword is converted to exec)

    Add a note hereexec

    Add a note hereEXEC mode

    Add a note herefover-group

    Add a note hereFailover user group configuration mode

    Add a note hereftp-map

    Add a note hereftp-map configuration mode

    Add a note heregroup-policy

    Add a note heregroup-policy attribute configuration mode

    Add a note heregtpmap

    Add a note hereGTP class map configuration mode

    Add a note hereh225-map

    Add a note hereh225-map configuration mode

    Add a note herehsi-group

    Add a note herehsi-group configuration mode

    Add a note herehttp-map

    Add a note herehttp-map configuration mode

    Add a note hereicmp-object-group

    Add a note hereICMPtype object group configuration mode

    Add a note hereimap4s

    Add a note hereimap4s configuration mode

    Add a note hereinterface

    Add a note hereInterface configuration mode

    Add a note hereldap

    Add a note hereLDAP configuration mode

    Add a note heremgcp-map

    Add a note heremgcp-map configuration mode

    Add a note herempf-class-map

    Add a note hereMPF Class Map configuration mode

    Add a note herempf-policy-map

    Add a note hereMPF Policy Map configuration mode

    Add a note herempf-policy-map-class

    Add a note hereMPF Policy Map class configuration mode

    Add a note herempf-policy-map-param

    Add a note hereMPF policy map parameter configuration mode

    Add a note herenac-policy

    Add a note hereNAC policy nac-framework configuration mode

    Add a note herenetwork-object-group

    Add a note hereNetwork object group configuration mode

    Add a note herepop3s

    Add a note herepop3s configuration mode

    Add a note herepriority-queue

    Add a note herepriority-queue configuration mode

    Add a note hereprotocol-object-group

    Add a note hereProtocol object group configuration mode

    Add a note hereqosclassmap

    Add a note hereQoS class map configuration mode

    Add a note hereqospolicymap

    Add a note hereQoS policy map configuration mode

    Add a note hereqospolicymapclass

    Add a note hereQoS policy map class configuration mode

    Add a note hereroute-map

    Add a note hereRoute map configuration mode

    Add a note hererouter

    Add a note hereRouter configuration mode

    Add a note hererouting

    Add a note hereRouting configuration mode

    Add a note hereservice-object-group

    Add a note hereService object group configuration mode

    Add a note heresla-monitor

    Add a note hereIP SLA Monitor entry configuration

    Add a note heresla-monitor-echo

    Add a note hereIP SLA Monitor echo configuration

    Add a note heresmtps

    Add a note heresmtps configuration mode

    Add a note heresnmp-map

    Add a note heresnmp-map configuration mode

    Add a note heresubinterface

    Add a note hereSubinterface configuration mode

    Add a note heretcp-map

    Add a note heretcp-map configuration mode

    Add a note heretest-dynamic-access-policy

    Add a note hereTest dynamic access policy configuration

    Add a note heretls-proxy

    Add a note hereTLS proxy configuration mode

    Add a note heretrange

    Add a note heretime-range configuration mode

    Add a note heretunnel-group-general

    Add a note heretunnel-group general attribute configuration mode

    Add a note heretunnel-group-ipsec

    Add a note heretunnel-group IPSec attribute configuration mode

    Add a note heretunnel-group-ppp

    Add a note heretunnel-group PPP attribute configuration mode

    Add a note heretunnel-group-webvpn

    Add a note heretunnel-group WebVPN attribute configuration mode

    Add a note hereusername

    Add a note hereusername attribute configuration mode

    Add a note herevpn-load-balancing

    Add a note hereConfigure VPN load balancing

    Add a note herewebvpn

    Add a note hereWebVPN configuration mode

    Add a note here For example, users at or above level 8 can be allowed to show the connection table entries:

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# privilege show level 8 command conn

    Add a note hereASA and FWSM can also accept this command as

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# privilege show level 8 mode exec command conn
  3. Add a note hereEnable local command authorization:

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# aaa authorization command LOCAL

    Add a note hereEach time a user attempts to use a firewall command, the firewall authorizes the user based on the local privilege configuration commands.

Add a note here Accounting of Local User Activity

Add a note hereWith local user authentication and authorization, user accounting can be performed only through the logging function. You should make sure that the following Syslog message IDs are enabled to use them as an audit trail of user activity. The default severity levels are shown in parentheses:

  • Add a note here 611101 (6)— Successful user authentication

  • Add a note here 611102 (6)— Failed user authentication

  • Add a note here 502103 (5)— User changed privilege levels

  • Add a note here 111008 (5)— User executed the command text

  • Add a note here 111009 (7)— User executed the command show text

  • Add a note here 611103 (5)— User logged out

Add a note hereFor example, suppose someone managed to log in to a firewall, clear its configuration, and reload it. If Syslog were configured on the firewall, you might be able to find an audit trail with clues as to who took those actions. In the following output, a user named userjane has authenticated, used the enable command to move into privilege level 15, cleared the configuration, and reloaded the firewall:

Add a note here%ASA-6-109005: Authentication succeeded for user 'userjane' from to on interface outside
%ASA-6-611101: User authentication succeeded: Uname: userjane
%ASA-5-502103: User priv level changed: Uname: userjane From: 1 To: 15
%ASA-5-111008: User 'userjane' executed the 'enable' command.
%ASA-7-111009: User 'userjane' executed cmd: show clock
%ASA-5-111008: User 'userjane' executed the 'write erase' command.
%ASA-5-111008: User 'userjane' executed the 'reload' command.

5-3: Defining AAA Servers for User Management

Add a note hereA firewall can interface with external user management servers to offload any authentication, authorization, or accounting (AAA) functions. This provides a very scalable solution, because all user identities, privileges, and activity logs can be centralized.

Add a note here You can use the following steps to configure AAA servers and server groups for all AAA-related firewall functions:

  1. Add a note hereDefine the AAA server group and protocol:

    Add a note hereASA, FWSM

    Add a note here

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# aaa-server server_tag protocol {tacacs+ | radius}

    Add a note herePIX 6.3

    Add a note here

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# aaa-server server_tag protocol {tacacs+ | radius}

    Add a note hereA group of servers is named server_tag (an arbitrary string without white space) using a common AAA protocol. All firewall platforms support the tacacs+ or radius protocol. In fact, PIX 6.3 has the following three predefined server groups:

    Add a note hereaaa-server TACACS+ protocol tacacs+
    aaa-server RADIUS protocol radius
    aaa-server LOCAL protocol local

    Add a note hereWith ASA and FWSM, only the LOCAL group is predefined. You can also use other AAA protocols if they exist in your network. Specific protocol parameters are configured on a per-server basis in Step 2.


    Add a note hereYou can define multiple AAA servers in a single group. Table 5-3 lists the maximum number of server groups and servers per group.

    Add a note here Table 5-3: AAA Server Limits by Security Platform
    Open table as spreadsheet

    Add a note herePlatform

    Add a note hereServer Groups

    Add a note hereServers per Group

    Add a note herePIX 6.3

    Add a note here14

    Add a note here14

    Add a note hereASA single context

    Add a note here18

    Add a note here16

    Add a note hereASA multiple contexts

    Add a note here7

    Add a note here4

    Add a note hereFWSM single context

    Add a note here15

    Add a note here16

    Add a note hereFWSM multiple contexts

    Add a note here4

    Add a note here4

    Add a note hereThe firewall sends requests to the first server configured in the group. If that server does not answer within a configurable time, the other servers in the group are tried in succession.

    1. Add a note here (Optional) Set the server failure threshold:

      Add a note hereASA, FWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-aaa-server-group)# max-failed-attempts number

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config)# aaa-server server_tag max-failed-attempts number

      Add a note hereIf a AAA server is unreachable, the firewall retries its request. After number (1 to 5; the default is 3) failed attempts, the firewall declares that server dead and moves on to the next server in the group.

    2. Add a note here(Optional) Define a server reactivation policy:

      Add a note hereASA, FWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-aaa-server-group)# reactivation-mode {depletion [deadtime minutes] | timed}

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config)# aaa-server server_tag deadtime minutes

      Add a note hereBy default, any server that is considered deactivated remains deactivated until no more usable servers remain in the group. This is called depletion mode.

      Add a note hereIf only one server group is configured for a AAA function, all servers are immediately reactivated after depletion so that they can be tried again.

      Add a note hereIf multiple server groups are configured for a AAA function, a depleted group is skipped so that the next server group can be used. The depleted group is declared dead for the duration of the deadtime timer, configured as minutes (1 to 1440; the default is 10 minutes). After that time, the failed servers are reactivated in the group, and that group is eligible for new AAA requests.

      Add a note hereIn ASA and FWSM, you can use an alternative policy called timed reactivation. Here, any failed or deactivated server is automatically reactivated after 30 seconds.

    3. Add a note here(Optional) Define an accounting policy:

      Add a note hereASA, FWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-aaa-server-group)# accounting-mode {single | simultaneous}

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here-

      Add a note hereIf you are using AAA accounting, you can specify how the accounting information will be sent. With the single keyword, accounting messages are sent to only the active server. The firewall can also send the accounting messages to every server in the group if the simultaneous keyword is used.

  2. Add a note here Add a server to the group.

    1. Add a note hereIdentify the server:

      Add a note hereASA, FWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config)# aaa-server server_tag [(if_name)] host server_ip [key] [timeout seconds]

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config)# aaa-server server_tag [(if_name)] host server_ip [key] [timeout seconds]

      Add a note hereThe server located on the firewall interface named (if_name) (be sure to include the parentheses) at IP address server_ip is added to the server_tag group. If you do not specify the interface, the outside interface is assumed. The firewall can use the string key (a text string of up to 127 characters without spaces) for all exchanges with the server. Therefore, you must configure the same key on the server and the firewall.

      Add a note hereIf a response is not received from the server within a timeout period of seconds (the default is 5 seconds), the firewall sends the same request to the next server in the group.

    2. Add a note here(Optional) Set the server deactivation timer:

      Add a note hereASA, FWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-aaa-server-host)# timeout seconds

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here-

      Add a note hereThe firewall continues to retry requests for a timeout period of seconds (1 to 60; the default is 10 seconds) before it declares the server dead. After that point, the next server in a server group is tried.

    3. Add a note here(Optional) Use one common port for all server protocols:

      Add a note hereASA, FWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-aaa-server-host)# server-port port

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here-

      Add a note hereEach AAA protocol uses a different default port for its services. For example, TACACS uses port 49, Kerberos uses 88, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) uses 389, NT uses 139, and Security Dynamics Incorporated (SDI) uses 5500. You can configure the firewall to use one port (1 to 65535) for any protocol used on the server, as long as the server is also configured to use the same port.

      Add a note hereAlthough it is not necessary, using one common port for any AAA protocol can simplify the types of traffic passing between the firewall and the server. This in turn might simplify any firewall or router access lists that need to permit the AAA traffic.

  3. Add a note here (Optional) Adjust RADIUS server parameters.

    1. Add a note here(Optional) Adjust the RADIUS port numbers:

      Add a note hereASA, FWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-aaa-server-host)# authentication-port port
      Firewall(config-aaa-server-host)# accounting-port port

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config)# aaa-server {radius-authport | radius-acctport} [port]

      Add a note hereBy default, a firewall uses UDP/TCP port 1645 for RADIUS authentication and port 1646 for accounting.


      Add a note hereYou should confirm that your RADIUS server uses matching port numbers. If it does not, you can configure the authentication port (radius-authport) or the accounting port (radius-acctport) to port. Some RADIUS servers use legacy values of 1812 for authentication and 1813 for accounting.

    2. Add a note hereSet the RADIUS key:

      Add a note hereASA, FWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-aaa-server-host)# key key

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here-

      Add a note hereIn ASA and FWSM, the RADIUS key (a text string of up to 127 characters without spaces) should be configured as a host parameter. You must configure the same key on the firewall and the RADIUS server.

    3. Add a note here(Optional) Set the retry interval:

      Add a note hereASA, FWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-aaa-server-host)# retry-interval seconds

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here-

      Add a note hereIf the server does not answer a RADIUS request, the firewall retries it after seconds (1 to 10; the default is 10 seconds) has elapsed.

    4. Add a note here(Optional) Use one common password for server requests:

      Add a note hereASA, FWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-aaa-server-host)# radius-common-pw string

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here-

      Add a note here You can configure a common password that the firewall will use for all RADIUS authorization requests. The password is given as string (up to 127 characters).

  4. Add a note here(Optional) Adjust Kerberos server parameters.

    1. Add a note hereDefine the Kerberos realm name:

      Add a note hereASA, FWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-aaa-server-host)# kerberos-realm string

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note hereThe Kerberos realm name defined on the server is string (up to 64 characters with no spaces).

    2. Add a note here(Optional) Set the retry interval:

      Add a note hereASA, FWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-aaa-server-host)# retry-interval seconds

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here-

      Add a note hereIf the server does not answer a RADIUS request, the firewall retries it after seconds (1 to 10; the default is 10 seconds) has elapsed.

  5. Add a note here(Optional) Adjust LDAP server parameters.

    1. Add a note here(Optional) Use SASL authentication:

      Add a note hereASA, FWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-aaa-server-host)# sasl-mechanism {digest-md5 | kerberos server_group_name}

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here-

      Add a note hereThe firewall authenticates with an LDAP server on behalf of the actual clients by using Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL). With the digest-md5 keyword, an MD5 hash of the username and password is sent to the LDAP server. Kerberos can be used instead, with the kerberos keyword. The server_group_name is the name of the AAA server group used for Kerberos.

    2. Add a note here(Optional) Secure the LDAP communication:

      Add a note hereASA, FWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-aaa-server-host)# ldap-over-ssl enable

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here-

      Add a note here Normally, traffic between the firewall and the LDAP server is sent in the clear. With the ldap-over-ssl command, an SSL connection is brought up so that the LDAP traffic is secured.

    3. Add a note here(Optional) Set the LDAP server type:

      Add a note hereASA, FWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-aaa-server-host)# server-type {auto-detect | microsoft | sun | generic}

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here-

      Add a note hereBy default, the firewall attempts to automatically detect the type of LDAP server it is communicating with. You can use this command to define the server type if auto-detection is not giving the results you expect. The server type can be auto-detect (the default), microsoft (Microsoft LDAP), sun (Sun LDAP), or generic (generic LDAPv3).

    4. Add a note hereSet the starting point in the LDAP hierarchy:

      Add a note hereASA, FWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-aaa-server-host)# ldap-base-dn string

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here-

      Add a note hereTo process a AAA request, the LDAP server should begin its search at the distinguished name (DN) given by string (up to 128 characters). A DN has the form XX=xxxx,YY=yyyy,... where XX and YY are abbreviations for parameters within the hierarchy, and xxxx and yyyy are strings. For example, a DN string can be or,ou=Engineering.

    5. Add a note hereLimit the scope of an LDAP search:

      Add a note hereASA, FWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-aaa-server-host)# ldap-scope {onelevel | subtree}

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here-

      Add a note hereBy default, the LDAP server is asked to search only one tree level (onelevel) below the base DN. If your LDAP hierarchy is structured such that there are many levels below the base, you can use the subtree keyword to force a search of the entire subtree.

    6. Add a note hereDefine the relative DN attributes to search:

      Add a note hereASA, FWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-aaa-server-host)# ldap-naming-attribute string

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here-

      Add a note here When a user is authenticated or authorized, the firewall can pass only the username and password to the LDAP server. The firewall must also inform the LDAP server which DN attributes are necessary to uniquely identify a user during a search. These are given as string (up to 128 characters).

      Add a note hereFor example, if usernames are referenced in the Common Name attribute (the CN field of a DN), the following command would be used:

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-aaa-server-host)# ldap-naming-att cn
    7. Add a note hereAuthenticate the firewall:

      Add a note hereASA, FWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note here
      Firewall(config-aaa-server-host)# ldap-login-dn string
      Firewall(config-aaa-server-host)# ldap-login-password string

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here-

      Add a note hereThe firewall must authenticate itself with the LDAP server when AAA requests are sent. This is done with a DN and a password, which are strings of up to 128 and 64 characters, respectively.

      Add a note hereFor example, a firewall might authenticate itself with the following DN and password commands:

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-aaa-server-host)# ldap-login-dn cn=firewall,,ou=networking
      Firewall(config-aaa-server-host)# ldap-login-password mysecretpassword
    8. Add a note here(Optional) Map user-defined LDAP attributes to Cisco LDAP attributes:

      Add a note hereIf you are adding a firewall to an existing LDAP environment, you might need to map existing, user-defined attributes to Cisco LDAP attributes. The mapping is defined as an attribute map with the ldap-attribute-map global configuration command. You can map attribute names and attribute values as needed, using the map-name and map-value commands, respectively:

      Add a note hereASA, FWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-aaa-server-host)# ldap-attribute-map map_name
      Firewall(config-aaa-server-host)# exit
      Firewall(config)# ldap-attribute-map map_name {auto-detect|
      microsoft | sun | generic}
      Firewall(config-ldap-attribute-map)# map-name
      user_attribute_name cisco_attribute_name
      Firewall(config-ldap-attribute-map)# map-value
      user_attribute_name user_value_string cisco_value_string

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here-

  6. Add a note here (Optional) Identify the NT domain controller:

    Add a note hereASA, FWSM

    Add a note here

    Add a note hereFirewall(config-aaa-server-host)# nt-auth-domain-controller string

    Add a note herePIX 6.3

    Add a note here-

    Add a note hereThe name of the Windows NT Primary Domain Controller (PDC) is defined as string (up to 16 characters).

  7. Add a note here(Optional) Adjust SDI SecureID server parameters.

    1. Add a note hereDefine the SDI protocol version:

      Add a note hereASA, FWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-aaa-server-host)# sdi-version {sdi-pre-5 | sdi-5}

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here-

      Add a note hereThe SDI version should be set to reflect the version used on the server: sdi-pre-5 (releases before 5.0) or sdi-5 (release 5.0 or later).

    2. Add a note here(Optional) Set the retry interval:

      Add a note hereASA, FWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-aaa-server-host)# retry-interval seconds

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here-

      Add a note hereIf the server does not answer an SDI request, the firewall retries it after seconds (1 to 10; the default is 10 seconds) has elapsed.

5-4: Configuring AAA to Manage Administrative Users

Add a note hereYou can use external AAA servers to manage users who connect to the firewall for administrative purposes. Usernames and passwords are created or deleted on one or more centralized AAA servers. The firewall can query the servers when users connect and need to be authenticated. Firewall command authorization can also be used when various users must be limited to specific privilege levels and sets of commands. A firewall can also generate user accounting information that is collected by the external servers.

Add a note hereYou can use the configuration steps covered in the following sections to set up AAA for administrative user management.

Add a note here Enabling AAA User Authentication

Add a note here Follow these steps to configure administrative user authentication with AAA servers:

  1. Add a note hereAuthenticate with a AAA server group:

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# aaa authentication {serial | telnet | ssh | http} console
    server_tag [LOCAL]

    Add a note hereThe AAA server group named server_tag is used to handle authentication requests. The server group must be configured as a separate step, as described in section 5-3, “Defining AAA Servers for User Management.” Each server defined in the group is tried in succession in case some are unreachable or unavailable.

    Add a note hereIf all the servers in the group are down or the firewall cannot reach any of them because of networking issues, the user authentication fails. This means that you can effectively be locked out of the firewall, unable to make any configuration changes or execute any commands.

    Add a note hereAs a fallback measure, you can add the LOCAL keyword to make the firewall use local authentication after trying the AAA server group. Even if the network is down, the local user database always is available as a way to authenticate with and connect to the firewall. You should define some administrative users on the firewall with the username command. You do not need to duplicate the entire set of users defined on the AAA servers. Just define enough usernames to allow you and your staff to connect.

  2. Add a note here(Optional) Authenticate users for enable mode:

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# aaa authentication enable console server_tag [LOCAL]

    Add a note hereBy default, privilege level 15 is defined with the enable password configuration command. Any user who can successfully authenticate with the firewall can also use the enable command to move to level 15, regardless of the privilege level set for the username. As well, all users share the same password for privilege level 15.

    Add a note hereYou can configure enable authentication so that each user must enter an independent enable password to reach a higher privilege level. With an AAA server group, you can define a unique enable password for each user.

    Add a note hereAfter a user is authenticated with his or her enable password, the privilege level is changed to the level configured for the username. In other words, the privileged EXEC level is set on a per-user basis; not every user automatically arrives at level 15.


    Add a note hereEnable authentication is fully functional with TACACS+ servers, because they support per-user enable passwords and enable privilege level settings. You can also use RADIUS servers for this, but each user’s enable password is always identical to his or her RADIUS password. As well, RADIUS does not directly support enable privilege levels for users.

    Add a note here Figure 5-1 shows an example of the User Setup configuration for a user in CiscoACS. Under Advanced TACACS+ Settings, the user’s maximum privilege level is set to 15 for any AAA client accessible to the user. The per-user enable password has also been configured in the TACACS+ Enable Password section as a separate password maintained in the CiscoACS database.

    Add a note here Image from book
    Add a note hereFigure 5-1: Enabling Authentication Configuration on a CiscoACS Server

    Add a note hereWith CiscoACS, make sure the enable authentication options are made available in the user or group setup screens. In the Interface Configuration, go to Advanced Options and make sure the Per-User TACACS+/RADIUS Attributes option is checked. You should also go to Interface Configuration and select TACACS+(Cisco IOS); make sure the Advanced TACACS+ Features option is checked.

Add a note hereFor example, suppose a firewall needs to be configured to use a farm of five RADIUS servers for administrative user authentication. The server has IP addresses through 14, all located on the inside firewall interface. These servers authenticate users connecting to the console port, Telnet, SSH, and web-based management applications. As a fallback, local authentication is used to support a single user ID, admin, in case none of the RADIUS servers can be reached.

Add a note hereThe following configuration commands can be used to complete the scenario:

Add a note hereFirewall(config)# aaa-server RADIUS_FARM protocol radius
Firewall(config)# aaa-server RADIUS_FARM (inside) host key
Firewall(config)# aaa-server RADIUS_FARM (inside) host key
Firewall(config)# aaa-server RADIUS_FARM (inside) host key
Firewall(config)# aaa-server RADIUS_FARM (inside) host key
Firewall(config)# aaa-server RADIUS_FARM (inside) host key
Firewall(config)# aaa authentication serial console RADIUS_FARM LOCAL
Firewall(config)# aaa authentication telnet console RADIUS_FARM LOCAL
Firewall(config)# aaa authentication ssh console RADIUS_FARM LOCAL
Firewall(config)# aaa authentication http console RADIUS_FARM LOCAL
Firewall(config)# aaa authentication enable console RADIUS_FARM LOCAL
Firewall(config)# username admin password AdminPW privilege 15

Add a note here Enabling AAA Command Authorization

Add a note hereIf you are using external TACACS+ servers, you can configure command authorization with the following configuration command:

Add a note hereFirewall(config)# aaa authorization command server_tag [LOCAL]

Add a note hereIn ASA or FWSM, you can add the LOCAL keyword to allow a fallback method of local command authorization in case none of the TACACS+ servers can be reached.

Add a note hereOn a CiscoACS server, you can follow these steps to configure command authorization:

  1. Add a note hereIn Interface Configuration, go to TACACS+(Cisco IOS). Under TACACS+ Services, check the Shell(exec) boxes for User or Group. This displays command authorization options in the user and/or group configuration pages.

  2. Add a note hereSelect User Setup or Group Setup, depending on whether command authorization will be configured per user or per group. Select the appropriate user or group from the list.

  3. Add a note hereUnder TACACS+ Settings, look for the Shell Command Authorization Set section. Select Per User (or Per Group) Command Authorization. You can configure specific commands to permit or deny for the user or group. For all other “unmatched” or unspecified Cisco IOS commands, choose whether the CiscoACS server will Permit or Deny them.

  4. Add a note hereTo authorize a specific command, check the Command box and enter the first command keyword in the text box. You can also specify command arguments or keywords in the Arguments box. Under Unlisted arguments (arguments or keywords that you do not explicitly list for the command), select whether to Permit or Deny them.

    Add a note hereThe ACS page can display space for more than one command to be configured. You can enter an additional command in each section that begins with a “Command” checkbox. Click the Submit button at the bottom of the page when all the command arguments have been entered. You can add more commands to the list by selecting the user or group again. Each time you configure a command, it is appended to the list of commands and arguments on the configuration page.

    Add a note here Figure 5-2 shows an example of how a CiscoACS group has been configured so that enable and exit are permitted commands. All other commands are denied for the group.

    Add a note here Image from book
    Add a note hereFigure 5-2: CiscoACS TACACS+ Command Authorization

  5. Add a note hereYou can also define lists of permitted firewall commands, which can be applied to users or groups in CiscoACS.

    1. Add a note hereGo to Shared Profile Components, and select Shell Command Authorization Set.

      Add a note hereEnter one command (only the first keyword) at a time in the text box, and click Add Command. If you need to specify keywords that can appear after the command keyword, enter those in the rightmost text box. Be sure to begin each line with permit or deny, followed by the command arguments and keywords.

      Add a note hereChoose whether unmatched (unlisted) commands will be permitted or denied. Then click Submit.

      Add a note hereIn Figure 5-3, a shell command authorization set has been configured to allow a subset of users to display various firewall resources. With the show command, only specific keywords are permitted. Any other command that is not listed is denied.

      Add a note here Image from book
      Add a note hereFigure 5-3: CiscoACS Command Authorization Set Configuration

    2. Add a note here After a command authorization set is configured, you can apply it in User Setup or Group Setup. Under the Shell Command Authorization Set section, you can select the set in the drop-down list. Figure 5-4 shows how the read-only-users command authorization set can be applied to any network device that CiscoACS makes available to a group.

      Add a note here Image from book
      Add a note hereFigure 5-4: Applying a CiscoACS Command Authorization Set


Add a note hereIf you decide to enable command authorization, you should make sure you define an administrative user who can always access all firewall commands. In other words, disable command authorization for at least one administrative user so that you have a fallback plan. Otherwise, it is possible to misconfigure command authorization for users or groups such that you are effectively denied from making configuration changes on the firewall.

Add a note here Enabling AAA Command Accounting

Add a note here In PIX 6.3 or FWSM prior to 3.1(1), AAA command accounting can be performed only through the logging function. In that case, you should make sure the following Syslog message IDs are enabled to use them as an audit trail of user activity. The default severity levels are shown in parentheses:

  • Add a note here 611101 (6)— Successful user authentication

  • Add a note here 611102 (6)— Failed user authentication

  • Add a note here 502103 (5)— User changed privilege levels

  • Add a note here 111008 (5)— User executed the command text

  • Add a note here 111009 (7)— User executed the command show text

  • Add a note here 611103 (5)— User logged out

Add a note hereBeginning with ASA 7.0(1) and FWSM 3.1(1), accounting records can be generated each time an administrative user executes a firewall command. These accounting records can be sent to one or more AAA RADIUS or TACACS+ accounting servers.

Add a note here To enable command accounting, you can use the following configuration command:

Add a note hereFirewall(config)# aaa accounting command [privilege level] server_tag

Add a note hereAccounting records are generated only when users execute commands at or above the privilege level level (0 to 15; the default is 0). The accounting records are sent to the current active server in the server group configured as server_tag.

Add a note hereWith CiscoACS, you can view accounting records by clicking the Reports and Activity button. Then click TACACS+ Accounting or RADIUS Accounting. All accounting reports are in comma-separated value (CSV) format and can be displayed in a web browser.

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