Sunday, June 19, 2011

Chapter 3: Configuring ASA Interfaces

This chapter covers the following topics:
  • Configuring Physical Interfaces
  • Configuring VLAN Interfaces
  • Configuring Interface Security Parameters
  • Configuring Interface MTU
  • Verifying Interface Operation
Firewall Overview-- This section provides an overview of protecting networks by establishing security domains and positioning firewalls to protect them

Chapter 3: Building Connectivity

Add a note here Overview

Add a note here Refer to the following sections for information about these topics:

  • Add a note here 3-1: Configuring Interfaces Discusses how you can configure firewall interfaces to join and communicate on a network. Physical, trunk, and logical interfaces are covered, as well as priority queue operation.

  • Add a note here 3-2: Configuring Routing Explains the configuration steps needed to define static routes on a firewall, as well as the RIP, OSPF, and EIGRP dynamic routing protocols.

  • Add a note here 3-3: DHCP Server Functions Provides information about how a firewall can operate as a DHCP server and a DHCP client. These functions support dynamic addressing for the firewall and for internal hosts, without the use of a dedicated DHCP server.

  • Add a note here 3-4: Multicast Support Presents the configuration steps needed to allow a firewall to forward multicast traffic in a secure manner and to participate in multicast routing.

Add a note here A firewall must be configured with enough information to begin accepting and forwarding traffic before it can begin doing its job of securing networks. Each of its interfaces must be configured to interoperate with other network equipment and to participate in the Internet Protocol (IP) suite.

Add a note hereA firewall must also know how to reach other subnets and networks located outside its immediate surroundings. You can configure a firewall to use static routing information or information exchanged dynamically with other routers. You can even configure a firewall to handle IP multicast traffic, either as a proxy or as a multicast router.

Add a note hereYou can also configure a firewall to provide various Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) services so that hosts connected to its interfaces can get their IP addresses dynamically.

Add a note hereThis chapter discusses each of these topics in detail.

3-1: Configuring Interfaces

Add a note hereEvery firewall has one or more interfaces that can be used to connect to a network. To pass and inspect traffic, each firewall interface must be configured with the following attributes:

  • Add a note hereName.

  • Add a note hereIP address and subnet mask (IPv4; beginning with Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) 7.0 and Firewall Services Module (FWSM) 3.1(1), IPv6 is also supported).

  • Add a note hereSecurity level (a higher level is considered more secure).

Add a note hereBy default, traffic is allowed to flow from a higher-security interface to a lower-security interface (“inside” to “outside,” for example) as soon as access list, stateful inspection, and address translation requirements are met. Traffic from a lower-security interface to a higher one must pass additional inspection and filtering checks.

Add a note hereFirewall interfaces can be physical, where actual network media cables connect, or logical, where the interface exists internally to the firewall and is passed to a physical trunk link. Each Cisco firewall platform supports a maximum number of physical and logical interfaces. Starting with PIX OS release 6.3, trunk links are also supported. The trunk itself is a physical interface, and the Virtual LANs (VLAN) carried over the trunk are logical VLAN interfaces. A trunk link has the following attributes:

  • Add a note hereFirewall trunk links support only the IEEE 802.1Q trunk encapsulation method.

  • Add a note hereAs each packet is sent to a trunk link, it is tagged with its source VLAN number. As packets are removed from the trunk, the tag is examined and removed so that the packets can be forwarded to their appropriate VLANs.

  • Add a note here802.1Q trunks support a native VLAN associated with the trunk link. Packets from the native VLAN are sent across the trunk untagged.

  • Add a note hereA firewall does not negotiate trunk status or encapsulation with Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP); the trunk is either “on” or “off.”

Add a note here Figure 3-1 shows how a trunk link between a firewall and a switch can encapsulate or carry frames from multiple VLANs. Notice that frames from the native VLAN are sent without a tag, and frames from other VLANs have a tag added while in the trunk.

Click to collapse
Add a note hereFigure 3-1: How an IEEE 802.1Q Trunk Works on a Firewall

Add a note here Surveying Firewall Interfaces

Add a note hereYou can see a list of the physical firewall interfaces that are available by using the following command:

Add a note hereFirewall# show version

Add a note hereFirewall interfaces are referenced by their hardware index and their physical interface names. For example, the show version command on a PIX 525 running PIX release 6.3 produces the following output:

Add a note hereFirewall# show version
0: ethernet0: address is 0030.8587.546e, irq 10
1: ethernet1: address is 0030.8587.546f, irq 11
2: gb-ethernet0: address is 0003.4725.2f97, irq 5
3: gb-ethernet1: address is 0003.4725.2e32, irq 11

Add a note hereThe first number is the hardware index, which indicates the order in which the interfaces were placed in the firewall backplane. Each physical interface has a hardware ID name that indicates its medium; ethernet0 is a 10/100BASE-TX port, and gb-ethernet0 is a Gigabit Ethernet port.

Add a note hereWith ASA 7.0 and later, the output is slightly different:

Add a note hereFirewall# show version
0: Ext: Ethernet0 : media index 0: irq 10
1: Ext: Ethernet1 : media index 1: irq 11
2: Ext: GigabitEthernet0 : media index 0: irq 5
3: Ext: GigabitEthernet1 : media index 1: irq 11


Add a note hereOn an FWSM, all interfaces are logical and have names beginning with vlan followed by the VLAN number. With a default configuration, the only VLAN interfaces available are the ones that have been configured from the Catalyst switch Supervisor module. These are created with the following Catalyst IOS configuration commands:

Add a note hereSwitch(config)# firewall vlan-group group vlan-list
Switch(config)# firewall module mod vlan-group group

Add a note hereIn the first command, an arbitrary VLAN group number, group, is defined to contain a list of one or more VLANs that will be internally connected to the FWSM. The second command associates the FWSM located in switch chassis slot mod with the VLAN group vlan-group. For example, the following commands can be used to provide VLANs 10, 20, and 30 to the FWSM located in slot 4:

Add a note hereSwitch(config)# firewall vlan-group 1  10,20,30
Switch(config)# firewall module 4 vlan-group 1

Add a note hereLogical interfaces have a hardware ID in the form vlan1, vlan55, and so on. These interfaces are not available until you define them with configuration commands, so they are not shown in the show version output.

Add a note hereAt this point, you should identify each of the interfaces you will use. At a minimum, you need one interface as the “inside” of the firewall and one as the “outside.” By default, the firewall chooses two interfaces for the inside and outside. You can view the interface mappings with the show nameif EXEC command. You also can change the interface-name mappings as needed.


Add a note hereThe show interface command lists each interface along with its state, MAC and IP addresses, and many counters. You can use the output to verify an interface’s activity and current settings.

Add a note here The interface state is shown by two values: The configured administrative state (up or administratively down) and the line protocol state (up or down). The line protocol state indicates whether the interface is connected to a live network device.

Add a note here Configuring Interface Redundancy

Add a note hereBy default, each physical firewall interface operates independently of any other interface. The interface can be in one of two operating states: up or down. When an interface is down for some reason, the firewall cannot send or receive any data through it. The switch port where a firewall interface connects might fail, causing the interface to go down, too.

Add a note hereNaturally, you might want to find a way to keep a firewall interface up and active all the time. Beginning with ASA 7.3(1), you can configure physical firewall interfaces as redundant pairs.

Add a note hereAs a redundant pair, two interfaces are set aside for the same firewall function (inside, outside, and so on) and connect to the same network. Only one of the interfaces is active; the other interface stays in a standby state. As soon as the active interface loses its link status and goes down, the standby interface becomes active and takes over passing traffic.

Add a note hereBoth physical interfaces in a redundant pair are configured as members of a single logical “redundant” interface. In order to join two interfaces as a redundant pair, the interfaces must be of the same type (10, 100, 1000BASE-TX GigabitEthernet, for example).

Add a note hereThe redundant interface is configured with a unique interface name, security level, and IP address—the parameters used in firewall operations.

Add a note hereYou can use the following configuration steps to define a redundant interface:

  1. Add a note hereDefine the logical redundant interface:

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# interface redundant number

    Add a note hereYou can define up to eight redundant interfaces on an ASA. Therefore, the interface number can be 1 through 8.

  2. Add a note hereAdd physical interfaces as members:

    Add a note hereFirewall(config-int)# member-interface physical_interface

    Add a note hereThe physical interface named physical_interface (gigabitethernet0/1, for example) becomes a member of the logical redundant interface. Be aware that the member interface cannot have a security level or IP address configured. In fact, as soon as you enter the member-interface command, the firewall automatically clears those parameters from the interface configuration.

    Add a note hereYou can repeat this command to add a second physical interface to the redundant pair. Keep in mind that the order in which you configure the interfaces is important.

    Add a note hereThe first physical interface added to a logical redundant interface becomes the active interface. That interface stays active until it loses its link status, causing the second or standby interface to take over. The standby interface can also take over when the active interface is administratively shut down with the shutdown interface configuration command.

    Add a note here However, the active status does not revert back to the failed interface, even when it comes back up. The two interfaces trade the active role back and forth only when one of them fails.

    Add a note hereThe redundant interface also takes on the MAC address of the first member interface that you configure. Regardless of which physical interface is active, that same MAC address is used.

    Add a note hereAs an example, interfaces ethernet0/1 and ethernet0/2 are configured to be used as logical interface redundant 1:

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# interface redundant 1
    Firewall(config-if)# member-interface ethernet0/1
    INFO: security-level and IP address are cleared on Ethernet0/1.
    Firewall(config-if)# member-interface ethernet0/2
    INFO: security-level and IP address are cleared on Ethernet0/2.
    Firewall(config-if)# no shutdown

    Add a note hereThe redundant interface is now ready to be configured as a normal firewall. From this point on, you should not configure anything on the two physical interfaces other than the port speed and duplex.


Add a note hereMake sure the logical redundant interface and the two physical interfaces are enabled with the no shutdown command. Even though they are all logically associated, they can be manually shut down or brought up independently.

Add a note hereYou can monitor the redundant interface status with the following command:

Add a note hereFirewall# show interface redundant number [ip [brief] | stats | detail]

Add a note hereThe ip brief keywords provide a short summary of the redundant interface, its IP address, and its status. All of the other keyword combinations give identical output—a verbose listing of interface parameters and counters, as well as a brief redundancy status. The following example shows the status of interface redundant 1:

Add a note hereFirewall# show interface redundant 1
Interface Redundant1 "inside", is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is i82546GB rev03, BW 100 Mbps, DLY 1000 usec
Auto-Duplex(Full-duplex), Auto-Speed(100 Mbps)
MAC address 0016.c789.c8a5, MTU 1500
IP address, subnet mask
1 packets input, 64 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 1 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
0 L2 decode drops
1 packets output, 64 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets
0 babbles, 0 late collisions, 0 deferred
0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier
input queue (curr/max blocks): hardware (5/0) software (0/0)
output queue (curr/max blocks): hardware (0/8) software (0/0)
Traffic Statistics for "inside":
0 packets input, 0 bytes
1 packets output, 28 bytes
0 packets dropped
1 minute input rate 0 pkts/sec, 0 bytes/sec
1 minute output rate 0 pkts/sec, 0 bytes/sec
1 minute drop rate, 0 pkts/sec
5 minute input rate 0 pkts/sec, 0 bytes/sec
5 minute output rate 0 pkts/sec, 0 bytes/sec
5 minute drop rate, 0 pkts/sec
Redundancy Information:
Member Ethernet0/1(Active), Ethernet0/2
Last switchover at 10:32:27 EDT Mar 14 2007

Add a note hereNotice that physical interface Ethernet0/1 is currently the active interface, while Ethernet0/2 is not. The output also reveals the date and time of the last switchover.

Add a note hereWhen the active interface goes down, the standby interface takes over immediately. That whole process is subsecond and happens rather silently. The only record of the redundant switchover can be found in the syslog output, as in the following example:

Add a note hereMar 14 2007 10:41:54: %ASA-4-411002: Line protocol on Interface Ethernet0/1, changed state
to down
Mar 14 2007 10:41:54: %ASA-5-425005: Interface Ethernet0/2 become active in redundant
interface Redundant1

Add a note hereYou can also use the debug redundant {event | error} command to see redundant failover information in real time.

Add a note here Basic Interface Configuration

Add a note hereYou should follow the configuration steps in this section for each firewall interface that you intend to use. By default, interfaces are in the shutdown state and have no IP address assigned.

  1. Add a note hereDefine the interface as physical (Step a) or logical (Step b):

    1. Add a note hereDefine a physical interface:

      Add a note hereFWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config)# interface hardware-id [hardware-speed]

      Add a note hereASA

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config)# interface hardware-id
      Firewall(config-if)# speed {auto | 10 | 100 | nonegotiate}
      Firewall(config-if)# duplex {auto | full | half}
      Firewall(config-if)# [no] shutdown
      Open table as spreadsheet

      Add a note here The interface is referenced by its hardware-id. For example, this could be gb-ethernet1 in PIX 6.3 or GigabitEthernet1 on an ASA.

      Add a note hereIn PIX 6.3, the interface medium’s speed and duplex mode are given by one of the following hardware-speed values:

      Add a note here1000full

      Add a note hereGigabit Ethernet autonegotiation, advertising full duplex

      Add a note here1000full nonegotiate

      Add a note hereGigabit Ethernet full duplex with no autonegotiation

      Add a note here1000auto

      Add a note hereGigabit Ethernet autonegotiation

      Add a note here100full

      Add a note here100-Mbps full duplex

      Add a note hereauto

      Add a note hereIntel 10/100 autonegotiation

      Add a note here100basetx

      Add a note here100-Mbps half duplex

      Add a note here10full

      Add a note here10-Mbps full duplex

      Add a note here10baset

      Add a note here10-Mbps half duplex

      Add a note herebnc

      Add a note here10-Mbps half duplex with BNC

      Add a note hereaui

      Add a note here10-Mbps half duplex with AUI

      Open table as spreadsheet

      Add a note hereBeginning with ASA 7.0, the interface speed and duplex are configured with separate interface configuration commands. By default, an interface uses autodetected speed and autonegotiated duplex mode.


      Add a note hereBy default, interfaces are administratively shut down. To enable an interface in PIX 6.3, use the interface configuration command without the shutdown keyword. For PIX 7.3, use the no shutdown interface configuration command.

      Add a note hereTo disable or administratively shut down an interface, add the shutdown keyword.

    2. Add a note here(Optional) Define a logical VLAN interface:

      Add a note hereFWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config)# interface vlan vlan_id

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config)# interface hardware_id vlan_id logical

      Add a note hereASA

      Add a note here

      Add a note here
      Firewall(config)# interface hardware_id[.subinterface]
      Firewall(config-subif)# vlan vlan_id
      Open table as spreadsheet

      Add a note hereLogical VLAN interfaces must be carried over a physical trunk interface, identified as hardware_id (gb-ethernet0 or GigabitEthernet0, for example). In PIX 6.3, the VLAN interface itself is identified by vlan_id, a name of the form vlanN (where N is the VLAN number, 1 to 4095). The logical keyword makes the VLAN interface a logical one.

      Add a note here On an ASA, a subinterface number is added to the physical interface name to create the logical interface. This is an arbitrary number that must be unique for each logical interface. The VLAN number is specified as vlan_id in a separate vlan subinterface configuration command.

      Add a note herePackets being sent out a logical VLAN interface are tagged with the VLAN number as they enter the physical trunk link. The VLAN number tag is stripped off at the far end of the trunk, and the packets are placed on the corresponding VLAN. The same process occurs when packets are sent toward the firewall on a VLAN.

      Add a note hereThe trunk encapsulation used is always IEEE 802.1Q, and the tagging encapsulation and unencapsulation are automatically handled at each end of the trunk. Make sure the far-end switch is configured to trunk unconditionally. For example, the following Catalyst IOS switch configuration commands could be used:

      Add a note hereSwitch(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1
      Switch(config-if)# switchport
      Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
      Switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk

      Add a note hereBy default, any packets that are sent out the firewall’s physical interface itself are not tagged, and they appear to use the trunk’s native VLAN. These packets are placed on the native VLAN number of the far-end switch port.

      Add a note hereIf you intend to use logical VLAN interfaces on a physical firewall interface that is trunking, you should never allow the trunk’s native VLAN to be used. You can do this by configuring a VLAN number on the physical interface, too. After this is done, the firewall cannot send packets across the trunk untagged.

      Add a note hereBy default, Cisco switches use VLAN 1 as the native (untagged) VLAN on all trunk links. Be aware that the native VLAN can be set to any arbitrary VLAN number on a switch. Find out what native VLAN is being used, and choose a different VLAN number on the firewall’s physical interface.

      Add a note hereAlso make sure that the switch is using something other than the native VLAN to send packets to and from the firewall. The idea is to use only VLANs that are defined specifically to pass data to and from the firewall while eliminating the possibility that an unexpected VLAN appears on the trunk. For example, you could use the following commands on a Catalyst switch to set a trunk’s native VLAN to VLAN 7 and to allow only VLANs 100 through 105 to pass over the trunk to the firewall:

      Add a note hereSwitchIconfig)# interface gigabitethernet 1/1
      Switch(config-if)# switchport
      Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk native vlan 7
      Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan 100-105
      Switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk

      Add a note here You can use the following configuration command to force the firewall to tag packets on the physical firewall trunk interface, too:

      Add a note hereFWSM

      Add a note here

      Add a note herePIX 6.3

      Add a note here

      Add a note hereFirewall(config)# interface hardware_id vlan_id physical

      Add a note hereASA

      Add a note here

      Open table as spreadsheet

      Add a note hereAgain, the VLAN is identified by vlan_id, a name of the form vlanN (where N is the VLAN number, 1 to 4095). The physical keyword makes the logical VLAN interface overlay with the physical interface so that any packets passing over the interface receive a VLAN ID tag.

      Add a note hereAfter a VLAN has been assigned to the physical interface, the firewall drops any untagged packets that are received over the trunk interface’s native VLAN.

      Add a note hereThis step is unnecessary beginning with an ASA, because the physical interface is configured with the no nameif command by default, which forces all traffic to pass through one or more subinterfaces that are configured with a VLAN number, requiring a VLAN tag.


      Add a note hereAfter a VLAN number has been assigned to a logical interface, it is possible to change the VLAN number. You can use this PIX 6.3 configuration command to change from the old VLAN name to a new one:

      Add a note hereFirewall(config)# interface hardware_id change-vlan old-vlan-id
  2. Add a note here(Optional) Name the interface:

    Add a note hereFWSM

    Add a note here

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# nameif vlan-id if_name securitylevel

    Add a note herePIX 6.3

    Add a note here

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# nameif {hardware-id | vlan-id} if_name securitylevel

    Add a note hereASA

    Add a note here

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# interface hardware_id[.subinterface]
    Firewall(config-if)# nameif if_name
    Firewall(config-if)# security-level level
    Open table as spreadsheet

    Add a note hereHere, the physical interface is identified by its hardware-id (gb-ethernet0, for example) or vlan-id (vlan5, for example; the word vlan is always present). If multiple-security context mode is being used, the vlan-id or hardware-id could be an arbitrary name that has been mapped to the context by the allocate-interface command in the system execution space.

    Add a note hereThe interface is given the arbitrary name if_name (1 to 48 characters) that other firewall commands can use to refer to it. By default, the “inside” and “outside” names are predefined to two interfaces. You can change those assignments, and you can use entirely different names if you want.

    Add a note here A security level is also assigned to the interface as securitylevel (where level is a number 0 to 100, from lowest to highest). PIX 7.3 is the exception, where the security level is given with the keyword security-level, followed by the level number (0 to 100). Security levels 0 and 100 are reserved for the “outside” and “inside” interfaces, respectively. Other perimeter interfaces should have levels between 1 and 99.

    Add a note hereFor example, the outside interface could be configured as follows:

    Add a note hereFWSM

    Add a note here

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# nameif vlan10 outside security0

    Add a note herePIX 6.3

    Add a note here

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# nameif gb-ethernet0 outside security0

    Add a note hereASA

    Add a note here

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# interface gigabitethernet0
    Firewall(config-if)# nameif outside
    Firewall(config-if)# security-level 0
    Open table as spreadsheet


    Add a note hereSecurity levels are used only to determine how the firewall inspects and handles traffic. For example, traffic passing from a higher-security interface toward a lower one is assumed to be going toward a less-secure area. Therefore, it is forwarded with less-stringent policies than traffic coming in toward a higher-security area.

    Add a note hereIn addition, firewall interfaces must have different security levels. The only exceptions are with ASA and FWSM 2.2+, which allow interfaces to have the same security level only if the same-security-traffic permit inter-interface global configuration command has been used. In that case, traffic is forwarded according to policies set by access lists, with no regard to higher or lower security levels.

  3. Add a note hereAssign an IP address.

    Add a note hereYou can assign a static IP address if one is known and available for the firewall. Otherwise, you can configure the firewall to request an address from either a DHCP server or through PPPoE. (Your ISP should provide details about obtaining an address.) Choose one of the following steps:

    1. Add a note here(Optional) Assign a static address:

      Add a note hereFirewall(config)# ip address if_name ip_address [netmask]

      Add a note hereIf you have a static IP address that the firewall can use, you can assign it here. The interface named if_name (inside or outside, for example) uses the IP address and subnet mask given.

      Add a note hereIf you omit the netmask parameter, the firewall assumes that a classful network (Class A, B, or C) is being used.

      Add a note hereFor example, if the first octet of the IP address is 1 through 126 ( through, a Class A netmask ( is assumed.

      Add a note here If the first octet is 128 through 191 ( through, a Class B netmask ( is assumed.

      Add a note hereIf the first octet is 192 through 223 ( through, a Class C netmask ( is assumed.

      Add a note hereIf you use subnetting in your network, be sure to specify the correct netmask rather than the classful mask (,, or that the firewall derives from the IP address.

    2. Add a note here(Optional) Obtain an address via DHCP:

      Add a note hereFirewall(config)# ip address outside dhcp [setroute] [retry retry_cnt]

      Add a note hereGenerally, the outside interface points toward an ISP. Therefore, the firewall can generate DHCP requests from that interface. If no reply is received, the firewall retries the request up to retry_cnt times (4 to 16; the default is 4).

      Add a note hereYou can also set the firewall’s default route from the default gateway parameter returned in the DHCP reply. To do this, use the setroute keyword; otherwise, you have to explicitly configure a default route.


      Add a note hereYou can release and renew the DHCP lease for the outside interface by entering this configuration command again.

    3. Add a note here(Optional) Obtain an address through PPPoE.

      Add a note hereA PIX or an ASA (beginning with release 8.0) platform can use a PPPoE client to make a broadband connection to an ISP. Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) is a practical way of using the firewall’s physical Ethernet interface to communicate with an ISP over traditional PPP infrastructure. PPPoE is supported only when the firewall is configured for single context, routed mode, without failover.

      Add a note hereLike PPP, PPPoE requires the remote access client (the ASA, in this case) to authenticate and obtain network parameters before it can begin communicating over the link. To do this, the firewall uses a Virtual Private Dialup Network (VPDN) group. The group specifies the authentication method and the username and password credentials assigned by the ISP. You can use the following steps to configure the PPPoE client:

      • Add a note hereDefine a username for PPPoE authentication:

        Add a note hereFWSM

        Add a note here

        Add a note herePIX 6.3

        Add a note here

        Add a note hereFirewall(config)# vpdn username username password passwd

        Add a note hereASA

        Add a note here

        Add a note hereFirewall(config)# vpdn username username password passwd
        Open table as spreadsheet

        Add a note here The firewall authenticates itself with an ISP using a username username (a text string) and password passwd (an unencrypted text string). You can repeat this command to define multiple usernames and passwords if several ISPs are possible.

        Add a note hereBy default, the username and password are entered into the firewall configuration as a part of this command. If you use a management tool such as Cisco Security Manager (CSM) or CiscoWorks Firewall Management Center to deploy the firewall, a template configuration might overwrite a valid username and password. You can choose to store the username and password locally in the firewall’s Flash memory by adding the store-local keyword.

      • Add a note here(Optional) Define a VPDN group to contain PPPoE parameters:

        Add a note hereFWSM

        Add a note here

        Add a note herePIX 6.3

        Add a note here

        Add a note hereFirewall(config)# vpdn group group_name localname username

        Add a note hereASA

        Add a note here

        Add a note hereFirewall(config)# vpdn group group_name localname username
        Open table as spreadsheet

        Add a note hereThe firewall can associate PPPoE parameters into groups such that one group is used to negotiate with one ISP. Here, the group_name is an arbitrary name (up to 63 characters) that points to a locally defined username username and password pair. This pair should already be configured with the vpdn username username command.

      • Add a note hereSet the PPPoE authentication method:

        Add a note hereFWSM

        Add a note here

        Add a note herePIX 6.3

        Add a note here

        Add a note hereFirewall(config)# vpdn group group_name ppp authentication {pap
        | chap | mschap}

        Add a note hereASA

        Add a note here

        Add a note hereFirewall(config)# vpdn group group_name ppp authentication {pap
        | chap | mschap}
        Open table as spreadsheet

        Add a note hereFor the VPDN group, you should use the same authentication method that your ISP uses: pap (Password Authentication Protocol, with cleartext exchange of credentials), chap (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol, with encrypted exchange), or mschap (Microsoft CHAP, version 1 only).

      • Add a note hereEnable PPPoE requests using a VPDN group:

        Add a note hereFWSM

        Add a note here

        Add a note herePIX 6.3

        Add a note here

        Add a note hereFirewall(config)# vpdn group group_name request dialout pppoe

        Add a note hereASA

        Add a note here

        Add a note hereFirewall(config)# vpdn group group_name request dialout pppoe
        Open table as spreadsheet

        Add a note hereThe firewall builds PPPoE requests using the parameters defined in VPDN group group_name.

      • Add a note here Request IP address information on the outside interface:

        Add a note hereFWSM

        Add a note here

        Add a note herePIX 6.3

        Add a note here

        Add a note hereFirewall(config)# ip address outside pppoe [setroute]

        Add a note hereASA

        Add a note here

        Add a note hereFirewall(config)# interface if_name
        Firewall(config-if)# ip address pppoe [setroute]
        Open table as spreadsheet

        Add a note hereThe firewall sends PPPoE requests on its outside interface to authenticate and obtain an IP address and subnet mask from the ISP. If the default gateway that is returned should be used as the firewall’s default route, add the setroute keyword. Otherwise, a default route must be configured manually on the firewall.

        Add a note hereYou can renegotiate the address parameters with the ISP by entering this configuration command again.


        Add a note hereIf you already have a static IP address assigned by the ISP, you can use an alternative command:

        Add a note hereFirewall(config)# ip address outside ip-address netmask pppoe [setroute]

        Add a note hereHere, the IP address and netmask are already known. The firewall still authenticates with the ISP through PPPoE, but it uses these values rather than negotiating them.

        Add a note hereAs an example of PPPoE interface configuration, the following commands can be used to define a VPDN group for one ISP that can be used by the firewall:

        Add a note hereFirewall(config)# vpdn username JohnDoe password JDsecret
        Firewall(config)# vpdn group ISP1 localname JohnDoe
        Firewall(config)# vpdn group ISP1 ppp authentication chap
        Firewall(config)# vpdn group ISP1 request dialout pppoe
        Firewall(config)# ip address outside pppoe setroute
  4. Add a note hereTest the interface:

    1. Add a note hereVerify the IP address:

      Add a note hereFirewall# show ip

      Add a note hereor

      Add a note hereFirewall# show ip if_name {dhcp | pppoe}
    2. Add a note herePing the next-hop gateway address:

      Add a note hereFirewall# ping [if_name] ip_address

      Add a note here You can send ICMP echo requests to the next-hop gateway or a host located on the same subnet as the firewall interface. You can specify which firewall interface name to use with if_name, but this is not required. The target is at ip_address.

      Add a note hereIf ICMP replies are received, they are reported along with the round-trip time, as in this example:

      Add a note hereFirewall# ping response received -- 0ms response received -- 30ms response received -- 0ms
    3. Add a note hereVerify PPPoE operation:

      Add a note hereAs soon as the PPPoE client is configured and the interface is connected and is operational, the firewall automatically attempts to bring up the PPPoE connection. You can see the status with the following command:

      Add a note hereFirewall# show vpdn session

      Add a note hereFor example, if the PPPoE client has negotiated its connection, you might see the following output:

      Add a note hereFirewall# show vpdn session
      PPPoE Session Information (Total tunnels=1 sessions=1)
      Remote Internet Address is
      Session state is SESSION_UP
      Time since event change 10002 secs, interface outside
      PPP interface id is 1
      36 packets sent, 36 received, 1412 bytes sent, 0 received

      Add a note hereIf the PPPoE connection does not come up normally, you can use the debug pppoe event command to see PPPoE negotiation events as they occur.

Interface Configuration Examples

Add a note hereA firewall has three interfaces:

  • Add a note here inside (gb-ethernet0)

  • Add a note here outside (gb-ethernet1)

  • Add a note here dmz (gb-ethernet2)

Add a note here These interfaces have IP addresses,, and, respectively. The configuration commands needed are as follows, for both PIX 6.3 and ASA releases:

Open table as spreadsheet

Add a note herePIX 6.3

Add a note hereASA

Add a note here

Add a note hereFirewall(config)# interface gb-ethernet0
Firewall(config)# interface gb-ethernet1
Firewall(config)# interface gb-ethernet2
Firewall(config)# nameif gb-ethernet0
inside security 100
Firewall(config)# nameif gb-ethernet1
outside security 0
Firewall(config)# nameif gb-ethernet2 dmz
security 50
Firewall(config)# ip address inside
Firewall(config)# ip address outside
Firewall(config)# ip address dmz

Add a note here

Add a note hereFirewall(config)# interface
Firewall(config-if)# speed auto
Firewall(config-if)# duplex auto
Firewall(config-if)# nameif inside
Firewall(config-if)# security-level 100
Firewall(config-if)# ip address
Firewall(config)# interface
Firewall(config-if)# speed auto
Firewall(config-if)# duplex auto
Firewall(config-if)# nameif outside
Firewall(config-if)# security-level 0
Firewall(config-if)# ip address
Firewall(config)# interface
Firewall(config-if)# speed auto
Firewall(config-if)# duplex auto
Firewall(config-if)# nameif dmz
Firewall(config-if)# security-level 50
Firewall(config-if)# ip address

Add a note hereNow consider the same scenario with an FWSM in slot 3 of a Catalyst 6500 switch. The inside, outside, and dmz interfaces are all logical, as VLANs 100, 200, and 300, respectively:

Add a note hereSwitch(config)# firewall vlan-group 1 100,200,300
Switch(config)# firewall module 3 vlan-group 1
Switch(config)# exit
Switch# session slot 3 processor 1

Firewall# configure terminal
Firewall(config)# nameif vlan100 inside security100
Firewall(config)# nameif vlan200 outside security0
Firewall(config)# nameif vlan300 dmz security50
Firewall(config)# ip address inside
Firewall(config)# ip address outside
Firewall(config)# ip address dmz

Add a note here As a final example, consider an ASA or PIX Firewall in a similar scenario. Here, a single physical interface (gb-ethernet0) is configured as a trunk. The inside, outside, and dmz interfaces are all logical, as VLANs 100, 200, and 300, respectively. The configuration commands needed are shown as follows for both the PIX 6.3 and ASA releases:

Open table as spreadsheet

Add a note herePIX 6.3

Add a note hereASA

Add a note here

Add a note hereFirewall(config)# interface gb-ethernet0
Firewall(config)# interface gb-ethernet0 100
Firewall(config)# interface gb-ethernet0 200
Firewall(config)# interface gb-ethernet0 300
Firewall(config)# nameif vlan100 inside
Firewall(config)# nameif vlan200 outside
Firewall(config)# nameif vlan300 dmz
Firewall(config)# ip address inside
Firewall(config)# ip address outside
Firewall(config)# ip address dmz

Add a note here

Add a note hereFirewall(config)# interface
Firewall(config-if)# speed auto
Firewall(config-if)# duplex auto
Firewall(config-if)# no nameif
Firewall(config-if)# interface
Firewall(config-if)# vlan 100
Firewall(config-if)# nameif inside
Firewall(config-if)# security-level 100
Firewall(config-if)# ip address
Firewall(config-if)# interface
Firewall(config-if)# vlan 200
Firewall(config-if)# nameif outside
Firewall(config-if)# security-level 0
Firewall(config-if)# ip address
Firewall(config)# interface
Firewall(config-if)# vlan 300
Firewall(config-if)# nameif dmz
Firewall(config-if)# security-level 50
Firewall(config-if)# ip address

Add a note hereIn the PIX 6.3 configuration, notice that VLAN 100 has been configured on the “physical” portion of the gb-ethernet0 interface. This ensures that VLAN 100 is tagged on the trunk, along with VLANs 200 and 300. In fact, nothing is sent or received untagged on the firewall’s trunk.

Add a note hereTo configure similar behavior on an ASA, the no nameif command is added to the physical interface (gigabitethernet0) configuration. In effect, this prevents the physical interface from becoming active, other than carrying VLAN traffic as a trunk link.

Add a note here Configuring IPv6 on an Interface

Add a note hereBeginning with ASA 7.0, firewall interfaces can be configured with an IPv6 address in addition to a traditional IPv4 address. IPv6 addresses are 128 bits long—much longer than a 32-bit IPv4 address! As well, the IPv6 address format is very different and can be written in the following ways:

  • Add a note hereIn full hexadecimal format, the address is written as eight groups of four hexadecimal digits, with colons separating the groups. For example, 1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888 represents a single IPv6 host.

  • Add a note here Leading 0s can be omitted in any group. For example, 1111:0200:0030:0004:5555:6666:7777:8888 can also be written as 1111:200:30:4:5555:6666:7777:8888.

  • Add a note hereBecause IPv6 addresses are so long and the address space is so large, addresses with many embedded 0s are common. Therefore, you can abbreviate any number of contiguous 0s as a double colon (::), even if the 0s cross a digit group boundary. For example, 1111:0:0:0:0:0:0:8888 could also be written as 1111::8888. This abbreviation can be used only once in an address, however.

  • Add a note hereIPv6 addresses can also be shown with a network prefix. This specifies how many most-significant bits are used to represent a network address. This is very similar to IPv4 addresses, where the address and prefix values are separated by a slash (/). For IPv6, this format is also ipv6_address/prefix_length, where the prefix length is a value from 1 to 128 bits.

Add a note hereEach firewall interface can potentially have three different IPv6 addresses configured:

  • Add a note here Link-local address— An address that is unique on a network connection to other devices. This is used only for IPv6 neighbor discovery, address autoconfiguration, and administrative uses. A firewall cannot forward packets that have link-local addresses as the destination. The address format consists of the following components:

    • Add a note here FE80 in the 10 most-significant bits

    • Add a note here54 bits of 0s

    • Add a note here64 bits of host addressing in the modified EUI-64 format

  • Add a note here Site-local address— A unique address within the site network that cannot be routed outside the site. The address consists of the following components:

    • Add a note here FEC0 in the 10 most-significant bits

    • Add a note here38 bits of 0s

    • Add a note here16 bits of subnet ID addressing

    • Add a note here64 bits of host addressing

  • Add a note here Global address— A globally unique address that can be routed outside the local link and local network. The address consists of the following components:

    • Add a note here 001 in the 3 most-significant bit positions

    • Add a note here45 bits of provider addressing (unique to each service provider)

    • Add a note here16 bits of site or subnet addressing (unique only within the local site network)

    • Add a note here64 bits of host addressing (48 bits usually come from the MAC address)

Add a note hereAfter you configure IPv6 addresses and routing information, the firewall can begin to statefully inspect traffic using IPv6. The following inspection engines are equipped to inspect either IP version:

  • Add a note hereICMP

  • Add a note hereUDP

  • Add a note here TCP

  • Add a note hereFTP

  • Add a note hereSMTP

  • Add a note hereHTTP

  • Add a note hereSIP (beginning with ASA 8.0)

Add a note hereYou can follow these steps to configure IPv6 on your firewall:

  1. Add a note hereSelect a firewall interface:

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# interface hardware-id

    Add a note hereThe interface is identified by its hardware-id, which is the full interface type and number or an abbreviated version. For example, GigabitEthernet 0, GigabitEthernet0, and gig0 all refer to the same interface.

  2. Add a note hereAssign an IPv6 address to an interface.

    1. Add a note here(Optional) Use autoconfiguration to derive interface addresses.

      Add a note hereA firewall can use stateless autoconfiguration to derive link-local and global addresses for an interface. Use the following commands to enable autoconfiguration:

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-if)# ipv6 address autoconfig
      Firewall(config-if)# ipv6 enable

      Add a note hereThe firewall first creates a link-local address for the interface. This can be done without any knowledge of surrounding networks or neighboring devices. The link-local address is formed as follows, building digits from least- to most-significant (right to left):

      • Add a note hereThe three least-significant octets are the three least-significant octets of the MAC address.

      • Add a note hereThe three most-significant octets of the MAC address become the three next-most-significant octets of the link-local address.

      Add a note hereIn addition, the next-to-least-significant bit of the most-significant MAC address byte is set to 1. For example, 0003.47 would become 0203.47.

      Add a note hereThe most-significant address digits always begin with FE80.

      Add a note hereFor example, consider the following firewall interface. You can use the show interface command to display the interface’s MAC address, which is 0003.4708.ec54. When the autoconfiguration is complete, the IPv6 link-local address can be seen with the show ipv6 interface command. Here, the link-local address has become fe80::203:47ff:fe08:ec54:

      Add a note hereFirewall# show interface gigabitethernet 1.2
      Interface GigabitEthernet1.2 "inside", is up, line protocol is up
      VLAN identifier 2
      MAC address 0003.4708.ec54, MTU 1500
      IP address, subnet mask
      Received 1482892 packets, 81328736 bytes
      Transmitted 311834 packets, 24639862 bytes
      Dropped 1060893 packets
      Firewall# show ipv6 interface inside
      inside is up, line protocol is up
      IPv6 is enabled, link-local address is fe80::203:47ff:fe08:ec54
      No global unicast address is configured
      Joined group address(es):
      [output omitted]

      Add a note hereThe global interface address has a similar form, but it begins with the prefix learned from a neighboring router. A modified EUI-64 address is used, which includes the ff:fe and MAC address portions.

      Add a note hereAfter a prefix has been learned from router advertisements, you can display the global address with the show ipv6 interface command, as in the following example:

      Add a note hereFirewall# show ipv6 interface inside
      inside is up, line protocol is up
      IPv6 is enabled, link-local address is fe80::203:47ff:fe08:ec54
      Global unicast address(es):
      1999::203:47ff:fe08:ec54, subnet is 1999::/64 [AUTOCONFIG]
      valid lifetime 2591959 preferred lifetime 604759
      Joined group address(es):
      [output omitted]
    2. Add a note here(Optional) Specify a link-local address:

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-if)# ipv6 address ipv6_address link-local

      Add a note hereYou can assign a specific link-local address as ipv6_address if autoconfiguration is not wanted.

    3. Add a note here (Optional) Specify a complete global IPv6 address:

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-if)# ipv6 address ipv6_address/prefix_length [eui-64]

      Add a note hereYou can specify the complete global address as ipv6_address. The prefix_length (1 to 128) specifies the number of most-significant address bits reserved for the network address. The global address must be unique within the IPv6 network.

      Add a note hereYou can also use the eui-64 keyword to let the firewall build a unique modified EUI-64 address format. The ipv6_address value is used for the upper 64 bits. The lower 64 bits of the address are the upper three octets of the interface MAC address, ff:fe, and the lower three MAC address octets.

  3. Add a note hereUse IPv6 neighbor discovery to learn about neighboring devices.

    Add a note hereA firewall can participate in IPv6 neighbor discovery to learn about other directly connected devices. Neighbor discovery is always enabled. You can follow these steps to adjust the neighbor discovery operation:

    1. Add a note here(Optional) Set the neighbor solicitation interval:

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-if)# ipv6 nd ns-interval value

      Add a note hereThe firewall sends neighbor solicitation messages at the interval value (1000 to 3,600,000 milliseconds [ms]; the default is 1000 ms or 1 second).

    2. Add a note here(Optional) Set the neighbor reachability time:

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-if)# ipv6 nd reachable-time value

      Add a note hereIf the neighboring device becomes unreachable, the firewall can send neighbor solicitation messages in an attempt to get a response. The firewall waits for value milliseconds (0 to 3,600,000; the default is 0) before declaring the neighbor unreachable. A value of 0 means that the firewall advertises an unspecified reachability time to its neighbors and does not measure this time itself.

    3. Add a note here(Optional) Adjust duplicate address detection (DAD):

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-if)# ipv6 nd dad attempts value

      Add a note hereA firewall attempts to check to see if another device is using its own interface link-local address. If a duplication is detected, no IPv6 data is processed on the interface.

      Add a note hereIf the link-local address is not duplicated, the firewall checks for a duplicate of its interface global IPv6 address.

      Add a note hereThe firewall sends value (0 to 600; the default is 1) neighbor solicitation messages to detect a duplicate address. If value is set to 0, no DAD is performed.


      Add a note here If a directly connected IPv6 neighbor cannot be discovered automatically, you can define it as a static entry. Use the following global configuration command to define and locate the neighboring device:

      Add a note hereFirewall(config)# ipv6 neighbor ipv6_address if_name mac_address

      Add a note hereThe neighbor uses the local data-link address ipv6_address and MAC address mac_address (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx hex format). As well, the neighbor can be found on the firewall interface named if_name (outside, for example).

      Add a note hereSuppose a neighboring device connected to the inside interface uses IPv6 local data-link address fe80::206:5bff:fe02:a841 and MAC address 0006.5b02.a841. You could use the following command to define a static neighbor entry:

      Add a note hereFirewall(config)# ipv6 neighbor fe80::206:5bff:fe02:a841 inside
  4. Add a note hereConfigure IPv6 router advertisements on the interface.

    Add a note hereAs a Layer 3 IPv6 device, a firewall can participate in router advertisements so that neighboring devices can dynamically learn a default router address. You can follow these steps to configure how the firewall carries out its router advertisement process:

    1. Add a note here(Optional) Stop sending router advertisements:

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-if)# ipv6 nd suppress-ra

      Add a note hereBy default, a firewall acts as an IPv6 router if IPv6 is enabled and the interface has an IPv6 address. The firewall sends periodic router advertisements to neighboring IPv6 devices, announcing itself as a router.

      Add a note hereYou can use the ipv6 nd suppress-ra command to stop sending router advertisements. In this case, the firewall appears as a regular IPv6 neighbor or node. Neighbor discovery is active even when router advertisements are suppressed.

    2. Add a note here(Optional) Set the router advertisement interval:

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-if)# ipv6 nd ra-interval [msec] value

      Add a note hereBy default, a firewall sends router advertisements out an IPv6 interface every 200 seconds. You can adjust the interval to value (3 to 1800 seconds, or 500 to 1,800,000 ms if the msec keyword is given).

    3. Add a note here(Optional) Adjust the lifetime of router advertisements:

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-if)# ipv6 nd ra-lifetime seconds

      Add a note hereBy default, router advertisements are sent with a valid lifetime of 1800 seconds. Neighboring devices can expect the firewall to be a default router for the duration of the lifetime value.

      Add a note hereYou can adjust the lifetime to seconds (0 to 9000 seconds). A value of 0 indicates that the firewall should not be considered a default router on the advertising interface.

  5. Add a note here (Optional) Configure IPv6 prefixes to advertise.

    Add a note hereBy default, a firewall advertises the prefix from any IPv6 address that is configured on an interface. The prefix advertisement can be used by neighboring devices to autoconfigure their interface addresses.

    Add a note hereIn the commands covered in Steps 5a through 5d, you can use the default keyword to define lifetimes for all prefixes that are advertised. Otherwise, you can specify an IPv6 prefix as ipv6_address/prefix_length. The prefix_length is the number of the most-significant bits used as a network prefix, from 1 to 128.

    Add a note hereYou can also add the no-autoconfig keyword to advertise that the prefix should not be used for autoconfiguration. By default, any prefix that is advertised is assumed to be “on link,” meaning that it is used on the advertising interface. You can add the off-link keyword to specify a prefix that is not configured on the firewall interface.

    1. Add a note here(Optional) Advertise a prefix with default lifetime values:

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-if)# ipv6 nd prefix {default |
      ipv6_address/prefix_length} [no-autoconfig] [off-link]

      Add a note hereBy default, the prefix is advertised with a valid lifetime of 30 days (2,592,000 seconds) and a preferred lifetime of 7 days (604,800 seconds).

      Add a note hereFor example, the following command causes the IPv6 prefix 1999::/64 to be advertised with the default values:

      Add a note hereFirewall(config)# ipv6 nd prefix 1999::/64
    2. Add a note here(Optional) Advertise a prefix with predefined lifetime values:

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-if)# ipv6 nd prefix {default |
      ipv6_address/prefix_length} valid_lifetime preferred_lifetime
      [no-autoconfig] [off-link]

      Add a note hereThe prefix is advertised with a valid lifetime of valid_lifetime (0 to 4,294,967,295 or infinite seconds). The prefix also is advertised as a preferred prefix lasting preferred_lifetime (0 to 4,294,967,295 or infinite seconds).

      Add a note hereTo advertise the prefix 1999::/64 with a valid lifetime of 5 days (432,000 seconds) and a preferred lifetime of 1 day (86,400 seconds), you could use the following command:

      Add a note hereFirewall(config)# ipv6 nd prefix 1999::/64 432000 86400
    3. Add a note here(Optional) Advertise a prefix with an expiration date:

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-if)# ipv6 nd prefix {default |
      ipv6_address/prefix_length} at valid_date_time preferred_date_time
      [no-autoconfig] [off-link]

      Add a note hereThe prefix is advertised to remain valid until the specific date and time are reached. The valid lifetime is given as valid_date_time, and the prefix is preferred until preferred_date_time is reached.

      Add a note here Each date and time value is given in this form:

      Add a note here{month day | day month} hh:mm

      Add a note hereThe month is the month name, given as at least three characters. The day is 1 to 31. The time is always given in 24-hour format.

      Add a note hereFor example, suppose the prefix 1999::/64 is advertised to expire at 23:59 on December 31 for the valid and preferred lifetimes. You could use the following command to accomplish this:

      Add a note hereFirewall(config)# ipv6 nd prefix 1999::/64 dec 31 23:59 dec 31 23:59
    4. Add a note here(Optional) Do not advertise a prefix:

      Add a note hereFirewall(config-if)# ipv6 nd prefix {default |
      ipv6_address/prefix_length} no-advertise

      Add a note hereThe prefix given is not advertised.

Testing IPv6 Connectivity

Add a note hereAs soon as you configure IPv6 operation on a firewall, make sure each of the respective interfaces has an IPv6 address. An interface must have a link-local address to communicate with its neighbors. An interface must also have a global address to be able to forward packets to other IPv6 destination addresses. You can display these addresses with the show ipv6 interface command.

Add a note hereYou can display any other IPv6 routers that the firewall has discovered from router advertisements it has received. Confirm any entries seen with the show ipv6 routers command, as in the following example:

Add a note hereFirewall# show ipv6 routers
Router fe80::260:70ff:fed7:8800 on inside, last update 1 min
Hops 64, Lifetime 1800 sec, AddrFlag=0, OtherFlag=0, MTU=1500
Reachable time 0 msec, Retransmit time 0 msec
Prefix 1999::/64 onlink autoconfig
Valid lifetime 2592000, preferred lifetime 604800

Add a note hereFrom the fe80 digits in the most-significant IPv6 address positions, you can distinguish the router address shown as a link-local address.

Add a note hereYou can also use a form of the ping command to send IPv6 ICMP echo packets to a neighboring device with the following simplified syntax:

Add a note hereFirewall# ping [if_name] ipv6_address

Add a note hereWith the preceding router example, you could ping the router’s IPv6 link-local address to determine good connectivity and a working IPv6 configuration. The following example shows an attempted ping:

Add a note hereFirewall# ping fe80::260:70ff:fed7:8800
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to fe80::260:70ff:fed7:8800, timeout is 2 seconds:
Interface must be specified for link-local or multicast address
Success rate is 0 percent (0/1)

Add a note here Because a link-local address is being used as the ping target, the firewall cannot determine which of its interfaces to use. This is because link-local addresses do not include any network or route information that could be used to find a destination interface. The example is repeated with the interface information as follows, showing a series of successful ICMP echo and reply packets:

Add a note hereFirewall# ping inside fe80::260:70ff:fed7:8800
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to fe80::260:70ff:fed7:8800, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms

Add a note here Configuring the ARP Cache

Add a note hereA firewall maintains a cache of Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) entries that are learned when it overhears ARP requests or ARP reply packets on its interfaces. ARP is used to resolve a host’s MAC address based on its IP address, and vice versa.

Add a note hereYou can use the following commands to configure ARP operations:

  1. Add a note hereDefine a static ARP entry:

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# arp if_name ip_address mac_address [alias]

    Add a note hereARP entries normally are created as the firewall hears responses to ARP requests on each interface. There might be times when you need to configure a static entry for hosts that do not answer ARP requests on their interfaces. Static ARP entries do not age out over time.

    Add a note hereSpecify the firewall interface name if_name (inside or outside, for example) where the host can be found. The host’s IP address and MAC address (in dotted-triplet format) must also be given.

    Add a note hereUse the alias keyword to create a static proxy ARP entry, where the firewall responds to ARP requests on behalf of the configured host IP address—whether or not it actually exists.

    Add a note hereFor example, you can use the following command to configure a static ARP entry for a machine that can be found on the inside interface. Its MAC address and IP address are 0006.5b02.a841 and, respectively:

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# arp inside 0006.5b02.a841
  2. Add a note hereSet the ARP persistence timer:

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# arp timeout seconds

    Add a note hereARP entries dynamically collected are held in the firewall’s cache for a fixed length of time. During this time, no new ARP information is added or changed for a specific cached host address. By default, ARP entries are held for 14,400 seconds (4 hours). You can set the persistence timer to seconds (1 to 1,215,752 seconds for PIX 6.3 or 60 to 4,294,967 seconds for ASA and FWSM).

    Add a note hereYou can display the current ARP cache contents with the following command:

    Add a note hereFirewall# show arp [statistics]

    Add a note here For example, the following ARP entries have been created on a firewall:

    Add a note hereFirewall# show arp
    stateful 0030.8587.546e
    lan-fo 0030.8587.5433
    outside 0003.4725.2f97
    outside 0005.5f93.37fc
    outside 00d0.01e6.6ffc
    inside 0003.4725.2e32
    inside 00d0.0457.3bfc
    inside 0007.0d55.a80a

    Add a note hereBe aware that the firewall maintains ARP entries for its own interfaces too, as indicated by the gray shaded entries.

    Add a note hereYou can add the statistics keyword to display counters for various ARP activities. Consider the following output:

    Add a note hereFirewall# show arp statistics
    Number of ARP entries:
    PIX : 11
    Dropped blocks in ARP: 10
    Maximum Queued blocks: 17
    Queued blocks: 0
    Interface collision ARPs Received: 0
    ARP-defense Gratuitous ARPS sent: 0
    Total ARP retries: 70
    Unresolved hosts: 0
    Maximum Unresolved hosts: 2


Add a note hereIf a host’s IP address changes or its network interface is replaced, an existing ARP entry can become stale and will be stuck in the firewall’s ARP table until it expires. If this happens, you can clear the entire ARP cache contents by using the clear arp EXEC command.

Add a note hereIf you decide to clear the ARP cache, you should do so only during a maintenance time when the network is not busy; otherwise, there might be a pause in network traffic passing through the firewall while the ARP cache is being rebuilt.

Add a note hereAlthough you cannot clear individual ARP cache entries, you can configure a static ARP entry for the IP address in question so that it is paired with a bogus MAC address. After that is done, remove the command that was just used. The bogus static ARP entry is removed, and the firewall relearns an ARP entry based on dynamic information from the host.

Add a note here Configuring Interface MTU and Fragmentation

Add a note here By default, any Ethernet interface has its maximum transmission unit (MTU) size set to 1500, which is the maximum and expected value for Ethernet frames. If a packet is larger than the MTU, it must be fragmented before being transmitted. You can use the following command to adjust an interface MTU:

Add a note hereFirewall(config)# mtu if_name bytes

Add a note hereIf you need to, you can adjust the MTU of the interface named if_name to the size bytes (64 to 65,535 bytes). In some cases, you might need to reduce the MTU to avoid having to fragment encrypted packets where the encryption protocols add too much overhead to an already maximum-sized packet.

Add a note hereCisco firewalls can participate in MTU discovery along an end-to-end IP routing path. This process follows RFC 1191, where the MTU is set to the smallest allowed MTU along the complete path.

Add a note hereYou can display the current MTU configuration for all firewall interfaces by using the show mtu (PIX 6.3) or show running-config mtu (ASA and FWSM) command. Interface MTU settings are also displayed as a part of the show interface EXEC command output.

Add a note hereFor example, the following output represents the MTU settings on a firewall’s outside interface:

Add a note hereFirewall# show running-config mtu
mtu outside 1500
mtu inside 1500
mtu dmz 1500
Firewall# show interface
Interface GigabitEthernet0 "", is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is i82542 rev03, BW 1000 Mbps
(Full-duplex), Auto-Speed(1000 Mbps)
Available but not configured via nameif
MAC address 0003.4708.ec54, MTU not set
IP address unassigned
17786900 packets input, 21111200936 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 171 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
131444 packets output, 89823504 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 0 collisions
0 late collisions, 191 deferred
input queue (curr/max blocks): hardware (0/25) software (0/0)
output queue (curr/max blocks): hardware (0/5) software (0/0)
Interface GigabitEthernet1.2 "outside", is up, line protocol is up
VLAN identifier 2
MAC address 0003.4708.ec54, MTU 1500
IP address, subnet mask
Received 17683308 packets, 20714401393 bytes
Transmitted 119650 packets, 86481250 bytes
Dropped 95017 packets
[output for other interfaces omitted]

Add a note here Notice that the outside interface is actually a logical interface (GigabitEthernet1.2) representing a VLAN on a physical trunk interface (GigabitEthernet1). An MTU is set only when the nameif command has been configured for an interface, as in the case of the logical interface named outside.


Add a note hereHosts using TCP connections can also negotiate the maximum segment size (MSS) that is used. This is done as a TCP connection is initiated, and it occurs on a per-connection basis. As a result, an MSS value can sometimes be chosen that is larger than the MTU being used along the path. This also results in TCP packets being fragmented so that they can be forwarded.

Add a note hereYou can configure the firewall to govern the maximum MSS value negotiated on connections passing through it. The firewall overrides any request for an MSS value larger than its limit, and it replaces the MSS value in the TCP packet so that the negotiation is transparent to the end hosts.

Add a note hereYou can use the following command to limit the TCP MSS size in all TCP connections:

Add a note hereFirewall(config)# sysopt connection tcpmss [minimum] bytes

Add a note hereBy default, the TCP MSS must be between 48 and 1380 bytes. You can adjust the maximum MSS limit to bytes or the minimum MSS to minimum bytes.

Add a note hereWhen a firewall receives packets that have been fragmented, it stores each fragment in a cache and virtually reassembles the fragments so that the original packet can be inspected. This allows the firewall to verify the order and integrity of each fragment and to discover malicious exploits that use fragmentation. This process is part of the FragGuard firewall feature.

Add a note hereYou can configure how the firewall handles the packet fragments it receives with the following steps:

  1. Add a note hereLimit the number of fragments awaiting reassembly:

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# fragment size database-limit [if_name]

    Add a note hereBy default, a firewall reserves space for 200 fragmented packets in memory per interface, where they are stored temporarily while awaiting reassembly. You can change this to database-limit packets (up to 1,000,000 or the maximum number of free 1550-byte or 16,384-byte blocks). If an interface name is not specified, the limit applies to all interfaces.

    Add a note hereFor example, the following command could be used to reserve space for 500 fragments arriving on the outside interface, awaiting virtual reassembly:

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# fragment size 500 outside


    Add a note here You can display the current status of memory blocks with the show block EXEC command. Look for the LOW value for size 1550 and 16,384 to see the fewest free blocks that have been available in the past. In most cases, however, you should keep the reassembly database size set to a low or default value to prevent fragmentation DoS attacks from using large amounts of firewall memory.

  2. Add a note hereLimit the number of fragments per packet:

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# fragment chain chain-limit [if_name]

    Add a note hereBy default, a firewall accepts up to 24 fragments of a single packet before they are discarded. You can change this limit to chain-limit (up to 8200 fragments per packet) on a global or per-interface basis. If you do not specify an interface, the chain-limit value is applied to all interfaces.


    Add a note hereYou might want to consider limiting the fragment space to 1, allowing only a single fragment to be stored—the whole packet itself. Most often, legitimate applications do not fragment packets in the first place, so the firewall should not receive any fragments. Some denial-of-service attacks, on the other hand, exploit the use of fragments. You can use the following command to minimize the fragment cache for all firewall interfaces:

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# fragment chain 1

    Add a note hereBe aware that such a strict limit causes the firewall to drop packet fragments from legitimate (or desired) traffic too. You should consider increasing the fragment space if you have known applications (Network File System [NFS], for example) or tunneling protocols (GRE, L2TP, or IPSec) that could require the use of fragmentation.

  3. Add a note hereLimit the time for all parts of a packet to arrive:

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# fragment timeout seconds [if_name]

    Add a note hereBy default, a firewall collects fragments as they arrive for 5 seconds. If the final fragment does not arrive by then, all the fragments are discarded, and the packet is never reassembled. You can adjust the collection time to seconds (up to 30 seconds) on a global or per-interface basis. If an interface name if_name is not specified, the limit applies to all interfaces.

    Add a note hereYou can monitor a firewall’s fragmentation activity with the show fragment EXEC command. For example, the firewall interface shown in the following output has the default fragment settings (database size 200 packets, chain limit 24 fragments, and timeout limit 5 seconds). The firewall has reassembled 534 packets, and two packets are awaiting reassembly:

    Add a note hereFirewall# show fragment outside
    Interface: outside
    Size: 200, Chain: 24, Timeout: 5, Threshold: 133
    Queue: 2, Assemble: 534, Fail: 1097, Overflow: 12401

    Add a note hereYou can also see that the reassembly process has failed 1097 times. This is because the timeout limit expired while waiting for all fragments to arrive. The process has also had overflow conditions, indicating that more than 24 fragments arrived on 12,401 different packets.

Add a note here Configuring an Interface Priority Queue

Add a note hereIn Cisco firewall releases before ASA 7.0, packets are inspected and forwarded in a best-effort fashion. Firewall interfaces have input and output queues or buffers that store inbound or outbound packets temporarily as they arrive at or leave an interface. Sometimes, packets cannot be processed quickly enough to keep up with the flow, so they are buffered until they can be serviced.

Add a note hereA simple queue structure like this makes for simple interface operation. For example, consider the output queue. The first packet put into the queue is the first one that is taken out and transmitted. There is no differentiation between types of traffic or any quality of service (QoS) requirements. Regardless of the packet contents, packets leave the queue in the same order they went into it.

Add a note hereThis presents a problem for time-critical data that might pass through a firewall. For example, any type of streaming audio or video must be forwarded in a predictable manner so that packets are not delayed too much before they reach their destination. Those packets also need to be forwarded at a fairly regular rate; too much variation in packet-to-packet delay (jitter) results in poor-quality audio or video at the destination.

Add a note hereWhen streaming data is mixed with other types of high-volume data passing through a firewall, the nonstreaming data can starve the streaming data flow. This can happen simply because the streaming packets get lost in a sea of other packets competing for transmission time.

Add a note hereA Cisco ASA can support two types of output interface queues:

  • Add a note here Best-Effort Queue (BEQ)— Packets are placed in this queue in an arbitrary order and are transmitted whenever possible.

  • Add a note here Low-Latency Queue (LLQ)— Packets are placed in this queue only when they match specific criteria. Any packets in the LLQ are transmitted ahead of any packets in the BEQ, providing priority service.

Add a note hereIn addition, the firewall uses a hardware queue to buffer packets that will be copied directly to the physical interface hardware for transmission. Packets are pulled from the LLQ first, and then the BEQ, and then they are placed in the hardware queue. As soon as the hardware queue is full, those packets are moved into the interface’s own buffer for the actual transmission.

Add a note here Figure 3-2 illustrates the interface queues available at each firewall interface, although only the outside interface is shown. Packets that will be sent out an interface are put in the BEQ by default. If a service policy has been configured for the interface, packets that match specific conditions in a class map can be marked for priority service. Only those packets are put into the LLQ.

Image from book
Add a note hereFigure 3-2: Firewall Interface Queue Structure

Add a note here If either the BEQ or LLQ fills during a time of interface congestion, any other packets destined for the queue are simply dropped. In addition, there is no crossover or fallback between queues. If the LLQ is full, subsequent priority packets are not placed in the BEQ; they are dropped instead.

Add a note here You can use the following sequence of steps to configure priority queuing:

  1. Add a note hereEnable the priority queue on an interface:

    Add a note hereFWSM

    Add a note here

    Add a note herePIX 6.3

    Add a note here

    Add a note hereASA

    Add a note here

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# priority-queue if_name
    Open table as spreadsheet

    Add a note hereBy default, only a BEQ is enabled and used on each interface. You must specifically enable a priority queue with this command for the interface named if_name (outside, for example).


    Add a note herePriority queues are supported only on physical interfaces that have been configured with the nameif command. Trunk interfaces and other logical interfaces are not permitted to have a priority queue. Also, priority queues are not supported in multiple-security context mode.

  2. Add a note here(Optional) Set the queue limit:

    Add a note hereFWSM

    Add a note here

    Add a note herePIX 6.3

    Add a note here

    Add a note hereASA

    Add a note here

    Add a note hereFirewall(priority-queue)# queue-limit packets
    Open table as spreadsheet

    Add a note hereYou can use this command to set the depth of both the BEQ and LLQ. The depth value packets (1 to 2048) varies according to the firewall memory and interface speed. In addition, packets can vary in size, but the queue is always measured in generic packets, which can be up to the interface MTU (1500 bytes) bytes long.

    Add a note hereAs soon as the priority queue is enabled for the first time, the queue limit is set to a calculated default value. The limit is the number of 256-byte packets that can be transmitted on the interface over a 500-ms period. Naturally, the default value varies according to the interface speed, but it always has a maximum value of 2048 packets.

    Add a note hereFor example, the default queue-limit values shown in Table 3-1 are calculated for different interface speeds.

    Add a note here Table 3-1: Default queue-limit Values by Interface Speed
    Open table as spreadsheet

    Add a note hereInterface

    Add a note herequeue-limit in Packets

    Add a note here10-Mbps full duplex

    Add a note here488

    Add a note here100-Mbps full duplex

    Add a note here2048

    Add a note here1000-Mbps full duplex

    Add a note here2048

  3. Add a note here (Optional) Set the transmit queue size:

    Add a note hereFWSM

    Add a note here

    Add a note herePIX 6.3

    Add a note here

    Add a note hereASA

    Add a note here

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# tx-ring-limit packets
    Open table as spreadsheet

    Add a note hereThe transmit ring (tx-ring) is a virtual queue that represents a portion of the output hardware queue that is available to the Ethernet interface drivers. The transmit ring is measured in packets. It varies according to the efficiency and speed of the interface hardware.

    Add a note hereAs soon as the interface priority queue is enabled for the first time, the transmit ring limit is set to a calculated default value. The limit is the number of 1550-byte packets that can be transmitted on the interface in a 10-ms period. The packets limit has a minimum of 3 and a maximum that varies according to the interface and available memory. You can display the current maximum value through context-based help, as in the following example:

    Add a note hereFirewall(config)# priority-queue outside
    Firewall(priority-queue)# tx-ring-limit ?
    priority-queue mode commands/options:
    <3-128> Number of packets

    Add a note hereThe default tx-ring-limit values shown in Table 3-2 are automatically calculated for different interface speeds.

Add a note here Table 3-2: Default tx-ring-limit Values by Interface Speed
Open table as spreadsheet

Add a note hereInterface

Add a note heretx-ring-limit in Packets

Add a note here10-Mbps full duplex

Add a note here8

Add a note here100-Mbps full duplex

Add a note here80

Add a note here1000-Mbps full duplex

Add a note here256


Add a note hereBy default, all packets are sent to the best-effort queue, whether or not a priority queue has been configured and enabled. To send packets to the priority queue, you must configure a service policy that matches specific traffic with a class map and then assigns that traffic to the priority queue. Section “7-2: Defining Security Policies in a Modular Policy Framework,” in Chapter 7, “Inspecting Traffic,” covers the configuration commands needed for this task.

Add a note hereFor example, you should configure a modular policy that has this structure:

Add a note hereFirewall(config)# class-map class_map_name
Firewall(config-cmap)# match condition
Firewall(config-cmap)# exit
Firewall(config)# policy-map policy_map_name
Firewall(config-pmap)# class class_map_name
Firewall(config-pmap-c)# priority
Firewall(config-pmap-c)# exit
Firewall(config-pmap)# exit
Firewall(config)# service-policy policy_map_name interface if_name

Add a note herePackets are only marked to be destined for a generic priority queue. When they are actually placed in an output queue, the firewall chooses the priority queue on the appropriate interface.

Displaying Information About the Priority Queue

Add a note hereYou can display the current priority-queue limits with the following command:

Add a note hereFirewall# show running-config all priority-queue if_name

Add a note hereIf you configure specific queue-limit or tx-ring-limit values, those are shown as part of the running configuration. However, if the priority queue uses the default values, you can see them only by displaying the default commands and parameters in the running configuration with the show running-config all keywords.

Add a note hereFor example, the following output shows the outside interface queue limit values:

Add a note hereFirewall# show running-config all priority-queue outside
priority-queue outside
queue-limit 2048
tx-ring-limit 256

Add a note hereYou can also get an idea about the priority queue operation on an interface with the following command:

Add a note hereFirewall# show service-policy interface if_name priority

Add a note hereYou can display overall statistics for both BEQ and LLQ interface queues with the following command:

Add a note hereFirewall# show priority-queue statistics [if_name]

Add a note hereThese commands are covered in more detail in “Packet Queue Status,” as covered in Section “11-1: Packet Queue Status,” as covered in Section “Checking Firewall Vital Signs,” in Chapter 11, “Verifying Firewall Operation.”

Add a note here Firewall Topology Considerations

Add a note hereThe basic principle behind using a firewall is to isolate the inside (secure) network from the outside (unsecure) network. Only through careful inspection and tightly controlled security policies are packets allowed to pass through a firewall.

Add a note hereIdeally, a firewall should be located between physically separate, isolated networking equipment. For example, if a firewall is used in a switched environment, its inside and outside interfaces should connect to two different switches—the inside interface to one switch and the outside interface to a different switch, as illustrated in Figure 3-3. Notice that the inside and outside interfaces are connected to two different VLANs and that it is impossible for outside traffic to pass to the inside without proper inspection by the firewall.

Image from book
Add a note hereFigure 3-3: A Simple Example of a Best-Practice Firewall Topology

Add a note hereIn some environments, the use of separate switches on each side of a firewall might be too expensive. A single switch can carry multiple VLANs, each logically isolated from the others. Why not connect several of a firewall’s interfaces to just one switch, each interface assigned to a different VLAN? Along the same lines, a firewall could connect to a switch using only a single physical interface. Each logical interface could be carried over that interface as a trunk, where the VLANs are naturally isolated in the switch, as illustrated in Figure 3-4.

Image from book
Add a note hereFigure 3-4: Using a Single Switch to Support a Firewall

Add a note hereYou can use a single switch to support multiple firewall interfaces. The inherent VLAN isolation works well with the inherent security isolation. However, you should carefully consider a few issues if you decide to connect a firewall in this fashion.

Add a note hereFirst, you should always be sure to prune any unused VLANs from trunk links that connect the firewall/switch combination to other networks. The basic idea is that no VLAN is allowed to extend from the outside, unsecure network into the inside, secure network without passing through the firewall first. If a VLAN does extend on in, there will always be the possibility that it can be exploited for a malicious attack or a compromise.

Add a note here In Figure 3-4, VLAN A carries traffic to the firewall’s outside interface. VLAN A should be pruned from the trunk link between Switch 1 and Switch 2 so that it is contained outside the secure internal network.

Securing Trunk Links Connected to Firewalls

Add a note hereAnother thing to consider is the potential for an exploit called VLAN hopping. When a VLAN on the public side of a boundary switch extends on into the internal side as a trunk’s native VLAN, it can be used to carry unexpected traffic that can “hop” over to a different VLAN. This can occur even if the native VLAN is not intended to carry any traffic into the inside network.

Add a note hereVLAN hopping occurs when someone can send packets on the outside VLAN as if they are encapsulated for an 802.1Q trunk. The boundary switch accepts the packets and then forwards them on the native VLAN of the inside trunk. Now, the spoofed encapsulation becomes relevant, causing other inside switches to unencapsulate the packets and send the malicious contents onto other secured VLANs. In effect, an outside user can inject packets onto VLANs that are not even visible or accessible on the outside.

Add a note hereConsider the network shown in Figure 3-5, where a firewall separates inside and outside networks but both networks pass through the same switch. VLAN 100 is the only VLAN allowed to extend to the outside public network. Switch 1, at the network’s secure boundary, brings the inside network in over an 802.1Q trunk link. A trunk link is used because the firewall might be configured to use additional logical interfaces in the future, and those VLANs can be carried over the trunk as well.

Image from book
Add a note hereFigure 3-5: Example of a VLAN Hopping Exploit

Add a note here The trunk link has been configured with VLAN 100 as its native VLAN. This might have been done as an oversight, with the assumption that no other switch or host would ever connect to VLAN 100 on the inside network. However, that native VLAN is used as the springboard to get inside the secure network.

Add a note hereA malicious user on the outside (VLAN 100) sends a packet toward the inside. The packet is carefully crafted such that it contains an 802.1Q VLAN tag for VLAN 200—even though it is being sent over a nontrunking link that supports only a single VLAN. If the packet is a broadcast, it might be sent toward the firewall’s outside interface (also on VLAN 100) when it reaches Switch 1. The firewall examines the packet and denies it entry into the inside network, as expected.

Add a note hereMost likely, the packet is sent as a unicast destined for an address on the internal network. When the packet reaches Switch 1, a curious thing happens. The packet originated on VLAN 100, so the switch can forward it onto VLAN 100 of the 802.1Q trunk link. VLAN 100 is the trunk’s native VLAN, so the switch transmits the packet without adding its own VLAN tag. Now when the packet appears on the trunk link, the embedded fake tag is interpreted as an actual 802.1Q tag!

Add a note hereDownstream switches forward the packet based on its newly exposed VLAN 200 tag. Suddenly, the packet has “hopped” from VLAN 100 on the outside to VLAN 200 on the inside network.

Add a note hereTo thwart VLAN hopping, you should always carefully configure trunk links so that the native VLANs are never used to carry legitimate traffic. In other words, set a trunk’s native VLAN to an unused VLAN. In Figure 3-5, the native VLAN of the inside trunk should be set to an unused VLAN other than VLAN A, which is present on the outside, and other than VLAN B, which is present on the inside.

Add a note hereTrunks on opposite sides of a boundary switch should have different unused native VLANs so that the native VLAN of one side does not pass through to the native VLAN of the other side. Figure 3-6 shows this scenario. Notice that the native VLANs on the inside and outside are set to different but unused VLAN numbers.

Image from book
Add a note hereFigure 3-6: Securing Trunk Links on a Firewall Boundary Switch


Add a note hereWhenever possible, you should keep the trusted and untrusted networks physically separate, carried over separate switches. Do not depend on the logical separation of VLANs within a single switch to provide inherent security. There is always a risk of misconfiguration or an exploit that would allow untrusted traffic to enter the trusted network.

Bypass Links

Add a note hereOne last thing you should consider is the use of links to bypass a firewall. It might seem odd to secure a network with a firewall, only to open a path for traffic to go around it. Some environments must still connect other non-IP protocols between inside and outside networks, simply because a firewall can inspect only IP traffic. Still others might bypass IP multicast traffic to keep the firewall configuration simple.

Add a note hereThe idea behind a bypass path is that any traffic using the path is either isolated from or incompatible with traffic passing through the firewall. In fact, you might pass some IP traffic around a firewall on a VLAN that never connects to another inside network. You might support something like a wireless LAN in your network, carried over the same switches as your secured VLANs, but where wireless users are considered “outsiders.” Then, you might pass a wireless VLAN around the firewall, with the intention that it connects only to networks outside the firewall.

Add a note here Figure 3-7 shows a basic network that allows some traffic to bypass a firewall. In the left portion of the figure, IP traffic passes through the firewall while Novell IPX traffic passes around it over VLAN C. This is allowed only because some users on the outside map drives on IPX file servers on the inside.

Click to collapse
Add a note hereFigure 3-7: Example of Risk When Bypassing a Firewall


Add a note hereAt the very least, you should configure very strict IPX access lists on the Layer 3 switches at each end of the VLAN C link. If IPX traffic must be bypassed around the firewall, it should still be governed by whatever means you have available.

Add a note hereYou should also consider using a transparent (Layer 2) firewall to handle the traffic that would otherwise flow over a link bypassing a Layer 3 firewall. For non-IP protocols, a transparent firewall can filter only according to EtherType values. However, no stateful inspection of protocols such as IPX is possible.

Add a note here From a routing standpoint, IP and IPX are “ships in the night,” coexisting on switches but not intermingling. However, consider the right portion of Figure 3-7. An outside user has managed to compromise a PC that is also on the outside. This PC has a drive mapped over IPX to a secure file server. Without passing through the firewall, the outside user has managed to gain access to data on a “secure” server on the internal network.

Add a note hereThe solution here is to be very critical of bypassing any sort of traffic around a firewall. Even if you think you have thought of every possible angle to keep internal resources isolated, there still might be a way for someone to gain access.

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