Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Chapter 04: Fundamentals of Cryptography (Part03)

Examining Asymmetric Encryption and PKI

Add a note hereAsymmetric encryption algorithms accomplish two primary objectives: confidentiality and authentication. Asymmetric algorithms are slower than symmetric algorithms because they use more complex mathematics. Because asymmetric algorithms are slower, they are usually used as key exchange protocols. The sections that follow cover the principles behind asymmetric encryption and provide examples of major asymmetric encryption algorithms, including Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA), Diffie-Hellman (DH), and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

Add a note hereAsymmetric Encryption Overview

Add a note hereTo provide the two main objectives of confidentiality and authentication, asymmetric algorithms are based on considerably more complex mathematical formulas than symmetric algorithms. As a result, computation takes more time for asymmetric algorithms. Despite this slower computation trait, asymmetric algorithms are often used as key exchange protocols for symmetric algorithms, which have no inherent key exchange technology.

Add a note hereAlso known as public key encryption, asymmetric algorithms have two keys: a public key and a private key. Both keys are capable of the encryption process. However, the complimentary matched key is required for decryption. For example, if a public key encrypts the data, the matching private key decrypts the data. The opposite is also true. If a private key encrypts the data, the corresponding public key decrypts the data.

Add a note hereExamples of public-key encryption algorithms are RSA, DSA, DH, ElGamal, and ECC. The mathematics differ with each algorithm, but they all share one trait: The mathematics can be complicated.

Add a note hereFigure 4-11, shown earlier, illustrates the mechanics of asymmetric encryption.

Add a note hereAsymmetric algorithms are designed in such a way that the key that is used for encryption is different from the key that is used for decryption. The decryption key cannot, in any reasonable amount of time, be calculated from the encryption key, and vice versa. The usual key length for asymmetric algorithms ranges from 512 to 4096 bits. Asymmetric algorithm key lengths cannot be directly compared to symmetric algorithm key lengths because the two algorithm families differ greatly in their underlying design.

Add a note hereTo illustrate this point, it is generally thought that an encryption key of RSA that is 2048 bits is roughly equivalent to a 128-bit key of RC4 in terms of resistance against brute-force attacks.

Add a note hereThe best-known asymmetric cryptographic algorithms are RSA, ElGamal, and elliptic curve algorithms.

Add a note hereThe confidentiality objective of asymmetric algorithms is achieved when the encryption process is started with the public key. When the public key is used to encrypt the data, the private key must be used to decrypt the data. Only one host has the private key; therefore, confidentiality is achieved.


Add a note hereIf the private key is compromised, another key pair must be generated to replace the compromised key.

Add a note hereIn Figure 4-22, Alice and Bob exchange data with the goal of confidentiality. They follow these steps:

Add a note hereStep 1

Add a note hereAlice acquires Bob’s public key.

Add a note hereStep 2

Add a note hereAlice uses Bob’s public key to encrypt a message, which is often a symmetric key, using an agreed upon algorithm.

Add a note hereStep 3

Add a note hereAlice transmits the encrypted message.

Add a note hereStep 4

Add a note hereBob uses his private key to decrypt, and reveal, the message.

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Add a note hereFigure 4-22: Asymmetric Confidentiality Process

Add a note hereThe authentication objective of asymmetric algorithms is achieved when the encryption process is started with the private key. When the private key is used to encrypt the data, the public key must be used to decrypt the data. Because only one host has the private key, only that host could have encrypted the message, therefore providing authentication of the sender.

Key Topic

Add a note herePrivate key (encrypt) + Public key (decrypt) = Authentication.

Add a note hereIn addition, no attempt is typically made to preserve the secrecy of the public key, so any number of hosts can decrypt the message. When a host successfully decrypts a message using a public key, it is trusted that the private key encrypted the message, which verifies who the sender is; this is a form of authentication.

Add a note hereIn Figure 4-23, Alice and Bob exchange data with the goal of authentication. They follow these steps:

Add a note hereStep 1

Add a note hereAlice encrypts the message, with her private key, using an agreed upon algorithm.

Add a note hereStep 2

Add a note hereAlice transmits the encrypted message.

Add a note hereStep 3

Add a note hereBob acquires Alice’s public key.

Add a note hereStep 4

Add a note hereBob uses Alice’s public key to decrypt, and reveal, the message. With successful decryption, Bob has a proof of the authenticity of the origin of the message.

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Add a note hereFigure 4-23: Asymmetric Authentication Process: Signature

Add a note hereRSA: Features and Functions

Add a note hereRSA is one of the most common asymmetric algorithms. Ron Rivest, (discussed earlier in this chapter), Adi Shamir, and Len Adleman invented the patented public-key RSA algorithm in 1977. The patent expired in September 2000, and the algorithm is now in the public domain. Of all the public-key algorithms that were proposed over the years, RSA is by far the easiest to understand and implement.

Add a note hereThe RSA algorithm is very flexible because it has a variable key length that allows speed to be traded for the security of the algorithm if necessary.

Add a note hereThe RSA keys are usually 512 to 2048 bits long. RSA has withstood years of extensive cryptanalysis, and although the security of RSA has been neither proved nor disproved, it does suggest a confidence level in the algorithm. The security of RSA is based on the difficulty of factoring very large numbers, which is breaking large numbers into multiplicative factors. If an easy method of factoring these large numbers were discovered, the effectiveness of RSA would be destroyed.

Add a note hereThe RSA algorithm is based on the fact that each entity has two keys: a public key and a private key. The public key can be published and given away, but the private key must be kept very secret. It is not possible to determine, using any computationally feasible algorithm, the private key from the public key and vice versa. What one of the keys encrypts, the other key decrypts, and vice versa.

Add a note hereRSA keys are long term and are usually changed or renewed after some months or even years.


Add a note hereFor those of you who enjoy crypto-mathematics, here is how RSA works.

Add a note hereTo generate an entity’s RSA keys:

Add a note hereStep 1

Add a note hereTwo very large prime numbers, p and q, are selected.

Add a note hereStep 2

Add a note hereA number n is computed via the formula: n = p * q

Add a note hereStep 3

Add a note hereThe public key e is randomly chosen. It must be such that e and (p 1) * (q 1) are relatively prime.

Add a note hereStep 4

Add a note hereThe private-key d is chosen such that

Add a note hereed = 1(mod(p 1)(q 1))

Add a note hereIn other words,

Add a note hered = e 1mod ((p1)(q1))

Add a note hered and n are also relatively prime. The numbers e and n are the public key; the number d is the private key. The two primes, p and q, are no longer required. Therefore, they should be discarded and never revealed.

Add a note hereRSA works on numeric blocks smaller than n. To encrypt a message m, first the message must be divided into blocks smaller than n.

Add a note hereIf P is the plaintext block, it is then encrypted with the use of the following formula:

Add a note hereE = Pemod n

Add a note hereTo decrypt the message (where E is the ciphertext block), the following operation is performed:

Add a note hereP = Edmod n

Add a note hereThe message could just as easily have been encrypted with d and decrypted with e; the choice is arbitrary and depends on the security service to be provided.

Add a note hereFactoring n reveals both keys to the attacker, but it is extremely difficult, and when long enough keys are used, practically unfeasible. So, feasible to break, but highly improbable.

Add a note hereThe current signing procedures of digital signatures are not simply implemented by public-key operations. In fact, a modern digital signature is based on a hash function and a public-key algorithm. Figure 4-24 illustrates this procedure.

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Add a note hereFigure 4-24: RSA Digital Signatures

Add a note hereThe signature process is as follows:

Add a note hereStep 1

Add a note hereThe signer makes a hash or fingerprint of the document, which uniquely identifies the document and all of its contents.

Add a note hereStep 2

Add a note hereThe signer encrypts the hash only with the private key of the signer.

Add a note hereStep 3

Add a note hereThe encrypted hash, known as the signature, is appended to the document.

Add a note hereThe verification process works as follows:

Add a note hereStep 1

Add a note hereThe verifier obtains the public key of the signer.

Add a note hereStep 2

Add a note hereThe verifier decrypts the signature using the public key of the signer. This step unveils the assumed hash value of the signer.

Add a note hereStep 3

Add a note hereThe verifier makes a hash of the received document, without its signature, and compares this hash to the decrypted signature hash. If the hashes match, the document is authentic; that is, it has been signed by the assumed signer, and has not changed since it was signed.

Add a note hereThis example shown using Figure 4-24 illustrates how the authenticity and integrity of the message is ensured, even though the actual text is public. Both encryption and digital signatures are required to ensure that the message is private and has not changed.


Add a note hereThe RSA algorithm is currently the most common method for signature generation and is used widely in e-commerce systems and Internet protocols in that role.

Add a note hereRSA is about 100 times slower than DES in hardware, and about 1000 times slower than DES in software. This performance problem is the main reason that RSA is typically used only to protect small amounts of data. RSA is mainly used for two services:

  • Add a note hereTo ensure confidentiality of data by performing encryption

  • Add a note hereTo perform authentication of data, nonrepudiation of data, or both by generating digital signatures


Add a note hereRSA encryption is faster than decryption, and verification is faster than signing.

Add a note hereDH: Features and Functions

Add a note hereThe Diffie-Hellman (DH) algorithm is the basis of most modern automatic key exchange methods. The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol in IPsec VPNs uses DH algorithms extensively to provide a reliable and trusted method for key exchange over untrusted channels.

Add a note hereWhitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman invented the DH algorithm in 1976. Its security stems from the difficulty of calculating the discrete logarithms of very large numbers. The DH algorithm, shown in Figure 4-25, provides secure key exchange over unsecure channels and is frequently used in modern key management to provide keying material for other symmetric algorithms, such as DES, 3DES, and AES.

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Add a note hereFigure 4-25: Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm

Add a note hereTo start a DH exchange, the two parties must agree on two nonsecret numbers. The first number is g, the generator, and the second number is p, the modulus. These numbers can be made public and are usually chosen from a table of known values. g is usually a very small number, such as 2, 3, and 4, and p is a very large prime number. Next, every party generates its own secret value. Then, based on g, p, and the secret value of each party, each party calculates its public value. The public value is computed according to the following formula:

Add a note hereY = gxmod p

Add a note hereIn this formula x is the secret value of the entity, and Y is the public value of the entity.

Add a note hereAfter computing the public values, the two parties exchange their public values. Each party then exponentiates the received public value with its secret value to compute a common shared-secret value, represented by K and K’ in Figure 4-25. When the algorithm completes, both parties have the same shared secret, which they have computed from their secret value and the public value of the other party.

Add a note hereNo one listening on the channel can compute the secret value, because only g, p, YA, and YB are known; at least one secret value is needed to calculate the shared secret. Unless attackers can compute the discrete algorithm of the above equation to recover XA or XB, they cannot obtain the shared secret.

Add a note hereThe following steps describe a DH exchange:

Add a note hereStep 1

Add a note hereAlice and Bob agree on generator g and modulus p.

Add a note hereStep 2

Add a note hereAlice chooses a random large integer XA and sends Bob its public value, YA where YA = gx(A)mod p.

Add a note hereStep 3

Add a note hereBob chooses a random large integer XB and sends Alice his public value, YB, where YB = gx(B)mod p.

Add a note hereStep 4

Add a note hereAlice computes K = YBx(A)mod p.

Add a note hereStep 5

Add a note hereBob computes K’ = YAx(B)mod p.

Add a note hereStep 6

Add a note hereBoth K and K’ are the equal to gx(A)x(B)mod p.

Add a note hereAlice and Bob now have a shared secret (k = k’) and even if someone has listened on the untrusted channel, there is no way the listener could compute the secret from the captured information, assuming that computing a discrete logarithm of YA or YB is practically unfeasible.


Add a note hereRFC 2409 (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2409) and RFC 3526 (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3526) provide more details about the values of g and p.

Add a note herePKI Definitions and Algorithms

Add a note hereWith trusted third-party protocols, all individuals agree to accept the word of a neutral third party. In this way, the parties that need to validate each other rely on the in-depth authentication of an agreed upon third party, instead of performing their own authentication. Presumably, the third party does an in-depth investigation before the issuance of credentials, and, after this in-depth investigation, the third party issues credentials that are difficult to forge. From that point forward, all individuals who trust the third party simply accept the credentials that the third party issues.

Add a note hereIn large organizations, it is impractical for all parties to continually exchange identification documents. For example, Cisco goes to reasonable measures to identify employees and contractors, and then issues an ID badge. This badge is relatively difficult to forge; measures are in place to protect the integrity of the badge and the badge issuance. Because of these measures, all Cisco personnel accept this badge as authoritative as to the identity of any individual.

Add a note hereIf this method did not exist and 10 individuals needed to validate each other, 90 validations would need to be performed before everyone would have validated everyone else. The formula is n(n 1), so 10(10 1) gives you the 90 validations. Adding a single individual to the group would require an additional 20 validations because each one of the original 10 individuals would need to authenticate the new individual, and the new individual would need to authenticate the original 10. This method does not scale well.


Add a note hereCertificate servers are an example of a trusted third party.

Add a note hereIn Figure 4-26, Alice applies for a driver’s license. In this process, she will submit evidence of her identity and her qualifications to drive. Her application is approved and a license is issued.

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Add a note hereFigure 4-26: Trusted Third-Party Example

Add a note hereLater, Alice needs to cash a check at the bank. Upon presenting the check to the bank teller, the bank teller asks her for ID. The bank, because it trusts the government agency that issued the driver’s license, verifies her identity, and cashes her check.


Add a note hereCertificate servers function like the license bureau in this example. The driver’s license is analogous to a certificate in a PKI or a technology that supports certificates.

Add a note hereA PKI provides a framework upon which you can base security services, such as encryption, authentication, and nonrepudiation. A PKI allows for very scalable solutions, and is becoming an extremely important authentication solution for VPNs. A PKI uses specific terminology to name its components.

PKI Terminology

Add a note hereWhen these concepts are applied in practice, it is important to understand the supporting framework. A PKI is the service framework that is needed to support large-scale, public-key-based technologies. PKI is a set of technical, organizational, and legal components that are needed to establish a system that enables large-scale use of public-key cryptography to provide authenticity, confidentiality, integrity, and nonrepudiation services.

Add a note hereTwo very important terms must be defined when talking about a PKI:

  • Add a note hereCertificate authority (CA): The trusted third party that signs the public keys of entities in a PKI-based system

  • Add a note hereCertificate: A document that in essence binds together the name of the entity and its public key and that has been signed by the CA


Add a note hereThe certificate of a user is always signed by a CA. Moreover, every CA has a certificate, containing its public key, signed by itself. This is called a CA certificate, or more properly, a self-signed CA certificate.

Key Topic

Add a note herePKI: A service framework needed to support large-scale PK-based technologies

Add a note hereCA: The central authority, or trusted third party, that signs public keys in a network

Add a note hereCertificates: Documents that bind names to public keys that are signed by the CA

PKI Components

Add a note herePKI is more than just a CA and its users. And implementing the enabling technology and building a large PKI involves a huge amount of organizational and legal work. There are five main areas of a PKI:

  • Add a note hereCAs for key management

  • Add a note herePKI users, such as people, devices, servers, and so on

  • Add a note hereStorage and protocols

  • Add a note hereSupporting organizational framework, known as practices and user authentication using local registration authorities (LRA)

  • Add a note hereSupporting legal framework

Add a note hereMany vendors offer CA servers as a managed service or as an end-user product:

  • Add a note hereVeriSign

  • Add a note hereEntrust Technologies

  • Add a note hereRSA

  • Add a note hereCybertrust

  • Add a note hereMicrosoft

  • Add a note hereNovell

Certificate Classes

Add a note hereCAs, especially outsourced ones, can issue certificates of a number of classes, which determine how trusted a certificate is. A single outsourcing vendor (for example, VeriSign) might run a single CA, issuing certificates of different classes, and its customers will use the CA they need depending on the desired level of trust.

Add a note hereA certificate class is usually a number; the higher the number, the more trusted the certificate is considered. The trust in the certificate is usually determined by how rigorous the procedure was that verified the identity of the holder when the certificate was issued. For example, a class 0 certificate might be issued without any checks, such as for testing purposes. A class 1 certificate might require an email reply from the holder to confirm his wish to enroll. This confirmation is a weak authentication of the holder. For a class 3 or 4 certificate, the future holder must prove his identity and authenticate their public key by showing up in person, with at least two official ID documents.

Add a note herePKIs also form different topologies of trust. In the simple model, a single CA, which is also known as the root CA, issues all the certificates to the end users, as shown in Figure 4-27. The benefit in such a setup is simplicity, but there are several pitfalls:

  • Add a note hereIt is difficult to scale this topology to a large environment.

  • Add a note hereThis topology needs a strictly centralized administration.

  • Add a note hereThere is a critical vulnerability in using a single-signing private key; if this key is stolen, the whole PKI falls apart because the CA can no longer be trusted as a unique signer.

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Add a note hereFigure 4-27: PKI Topology Using a Single-Root CA

Add a note hereBecause of its simplicity, VPNs that are managed by a single organization often use this topology.

Add a note hereGoing beyond the single-root CA, topologies that are more complex can be devised that involve multiple CAs within the same organization. One such topology is the hierarchical CA system, shown in Figure 4-28. With the hierarchical topology, CAs can issue certificates to end users and to subordinate CAs, which in turn issue their certificates to end users, other CAs, or both. Therefore, a tree of CAs and end users is built in which every CA can issue certificates to lower-level CAs and end users.

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Add a note hereFigure 4-28: PKI Topology Using Hierarchical CAs

Add a note hereThe main benefits of a hierarchical PKI topology are increased scalability and manageability; trust decisions can now be hierarchically distributed to smaller branches. This distribution works well in most large organizations. For example, a large company may have a root CA that issues certificates to level-2 CAs. These level-2 CAs issue the certificates to the end users. Because the root-signing key is seldom used after the subordinate CA certificates are issued, it is less exposed and therefore much more trusted. Also, if a subordinate CA has its private key stolen, only a branch of the PKI is rendered untrusted. All other users can consider this by no longer trusting that particular CA.

Add a note hereOne issue with hierarchical PKI topologies lies in finding the certification path for a certificate (in other words, determining the chain of the signing process). The more CAs involved in establishing the trust between the root CA and the end user, the more difficult the task.

Add a note hereAnother approach to hierarchical PKIs is called cross-certifying, as shown in Figure 4-29. In this scenario, multiple flat single-root CAs establish trust relationships horizontally, by cross-certifying their own CA certificates.

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Add a note hereFigure 4-29: PKI Topology Using Cross-Certifying CAs

Add a note hereSome PKIs might offer the possibility or even require the use of two key pairs per entity:

  • Add a note hereOne public and private key pair is intended only for encryption operations. The public key encrypts, and the private key decrypts.

  • Add a note hereThe other public and private key pair is intended only for signing operations. The private key signs, and the public key verifies the signature.

Add a note hereThese keys are sometimes called “usage” or “special” keys. They may differ in key length and even in the choice of the public-key algorithm. If the PKI requires two key pairs per entity, a user has two certificates:

  • Add a note hereAn encryption certificate containing the public key of the user who encrypts the data

  • Add a note hereA signature certificate containing the public key of the user who verifies the digital signature of the user

Add a note hereThe following scenarios typically use usage keys:

  • Add a note hereWhen encryption is used much more frequently than signing, a certain public and private key pair is more exposed due to its frequent usage. In this case, it might be a good idea to shorten its lifetime and change it more often, while having a separate signing private and public key pair with a longer lifetime.

  • Add a note hereWhen different levels of encryption and digital signing are required, because of legal, export, or performance issues, usage keys allow you to assign different key lengths to the two pairs.

  • Add a note hereWhen key recovery is desired (for example, a copy of a user’s private key is kept in a central repository for various backup reasons), usage keys allow you to back up only the private key of the encrypting pair; the signing private key remains with the user, enabling true nonrepudiation.

Add a note hereThe CA, with its private key, is the security-critical component in a PKI system. To make the operation of a CA simpler, and therefore more secure, many key management tasks are often offloaded to registration authorities (RA). RAs are PKI servers that perform management tasks on behalf of the CA, so that the CA can focus on the signing process.

Add a note hereUsually, the following tasks are offloaded to the RA:

  • Add a note hereAuthentication of users when they enroll with the PKI

  • Add a note hereKey generation for users who cannot generate their own keys

  • Add a note hereDistribution of certificates after enrollment

Add a note herePKI Standards

Add a note hereStandardization and interoperability of different PKI vendors is still an issue when interconnecting PKIs. The X.509 standards and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Public-Key Infrastructure X.509 (PKIX) workgroup have made progress toward publishing a common set of standards for PKI protocols and data formats.

Add a note hereA PKI also uses a number of supporting services, such as Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)-accessible X.500 directories.

Add a note hereInteroperability between a PKI and its supporting services is a concern because many vendors have proposed and implemented proprietary solutions, instead of waiting for standards to develop. The state of interoperability can still be described as basic, even after 10 years of PKI software development.


Add a note hereThe IETF has formed a working group that is dedicated to promoting and standardizing PKI in the Internet. The working group has published a draft set of standards detailing common data formats and PKI-related protocols in a network. The draft is accessible on the Internet at http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/pkix-charter.html, and you can consult this site for additional PKI information.

Add a note hereX.509 is a ubiquitous and well-known standard that defines basic PKI formats, such as certificate and certificate revocation list (CRL) formats, to enable basic interoperability. The standard has been widely used for years with many Internet applications, such as SSL and IPsec.

Add a note hereThe X.509 Version 3 (X.509v3) standard defines the format of a digital certificate. This format is already extensively used in the infrastructure of the Internet, in the following ways:

  • Add a note hereSecure web servers use X.509v3 for website authentication in the SSL and TLS protocols.

  • Add a note hereWeb browsers use X.509v3 for services that implement client certificates in the SSL protocol.

  • Add a note hereUser mail agents that support mail protection using the Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) protocol use X.509.

  • Add a note hereIPsec VPNs where certificates can be used as a public-key distribution mechanism for IKE RSA-based authentication use X.509.

Add a note hereCertificates are public information. They contain the binding between the names and public keys of entities and are usually published in a centralized directory so that other PKI users can easily access them.

Add a note hereIn the CA authentication procedure, the first step of the user, when contacting the PKI, is to securely obtain a copy of the public key of the CA. The public key of the CA verifies all the certificates issued by the CA and is vital for the proper operation of the PKI.

Add a note hereThe public key of the CA is also distributed in the form of a certificate issued by the CA itself. This certificate is also called a self-signed certificate, because the signer and the holder are the same entity. Only a root CA issues self-signed certificates to itself.

Add a note herePublic-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) provide basic interoperability of applications, which use public-key cryptography. The PKCS define the low-level standardized formats for the secure exchange of arbitrary data, such as a standard format for an encrypted piece of data, a signed piece of data, and so on.

Add a note hereThe RSA Laboratories website states the following:

Add a note hereThe Public-Key Cryptography Standards are specifications produced by RSA Laboratories in cooperation with secure systems developers worldwide for the purpose of accelerating the deployment of public-key cryptography.

Add a note hereThere are many defined PKCS standards:

  • Add a note herePKCS #1: RSA Cryptography Standard

  • Add a note herePKCS #3: DH Key Agreement Standard

  • Add a note herePKCS #5: Password-Based Cryptography Standard

  • Add a note herePKCS #6: Extended-Certificate Syntax Standard

  • Add a note herePKCS #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard

  • Add a note herePKCS #8: Private-Key Information Syntax Standard

  • Add a note herePKCS #10: Certification Request Syntax Standard

  • Add a note herePKCS #12: Personal Information Exchange Syntax Standard

  • Add a note herePKCS #13: Elliptic Curve Cryptography Standard

  • Add a note herePKCS #15: Cryptographic Token Information Format Standard


Add a note hereFor more information about these standards, visit http://www.rsa.com/rsalabs/node.asp?id=2124.

Add a note herePublic-key technology is becoming more widely deployed and is becoming the basis for standards-based security, such as the IPsec and IKE protocols. With the use of public-key certificates in network security protocols comes the need for a certificate management protocol that PKI clients and CA servers can use to support certificate life cycle operations such as certificate enrollment and revocation, and certificate and CRL access. The goal of the Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) is to support the secure issuance of certificates to network devices in a scalable manner, using existing technology wherever possible.

Add a note hereAs shown in Figure 4-30, an end entity starts an enrollment transaction by creating a certificate request using PKCS#10 and sends it to the CA or RA that is enveloped using the PKCS#7. After the CA or RA receives the request, it either automatically approves the request or sends the certificate back, or it compels the end entity to wait until the operator can manually authenticate the identity of the requesting end entity.

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Add a note hereFigure 4-30: Certificate Signing Request

Add a note hereCertificate Authorities

Add a note hereThe following features briefly describe CA-based solutions:

  • Add a note hereCAs are the trusted third party in PKI implementations.

  • Add a note hereThe X.509 standard describes an identity and how to store an authentication key. Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) provides information about the format of the X.509 certificate and the syntax of the fields in the certificate.

Add a note hereDistinguished names (DN) provide a way to identify an entity by using multiple fields to provide hierarchical identification.


Add a note hereAn example of a distinguished name is

Add a note hereCN = Harry Wales, OU = Sales, DC = Fabrikarp, DC = COM

Add a note herewhere,

  • Add a note hereCN = commonName

  • Add a note hereOU = organizationalUnitName

  • Add a note hereDC = domainComponent

Add a note hereThe merging of the X.509 standard with public-key encryption allows the introduction of a trusted third party: the CA. The CA has a pair of asymmetric keys, a private key, and a public key. An X.509 certificate is created to identify the CA. The certificate of the CA contains the following information:

  • Add a note hereThe identity of the CA (for example, a subject containing the identity in the DN format)

  • Add a note hereOther parameters (such as serial number, algorithms used, and validity period)

  • Add a note hereThe public key of the CA (for example, an RSA public key)

  • Add a note hereThe signature using the private key of the CA (for example, self-signing using the private key of the CA with RSA encryption and the SHA-1 hash algorithm)


Add a note hereThe certificate is freely distributed. The receiver of the certificate should verify the authenticity of the certificate of the CA out-of-band.

Add a note hereIn Figure 4-31, the following steps occur to retrieve the CA certificate:

Add a note hereStep 1

Add a note hereAlice and Bob request the CA certificate that contains the CA public key.

Add a note hereStep 2

Add a note hereUpon receipt of the CA certificate, Alice’s and Bob’s systems verify the validity of the certificate using public-key cryptography.

Add a note hereStep 3

Add a note hereAlice and Bob follow up the technical verification done by their systems by telephoning the CA administrator and verifying the public key and serial number of the certificate.

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Add a note hereFigure 4-31: Retrieving a CA Certificate

Add a note hereAfter retrieving the CA certificate, Alice and Bob perform the following steps to submit certificate requests to the CA, as shown in Figure 4-32:

Add a note hereStep 1

Add a note hereAlice’s and Bob’s systems forward a certificate request that includes their public keys along with some identifying information. All of this information is encrypted using the public key of the CA.

Add a note hereStep 2

Add a note hereUpon receipt of the certificate requests, the CA administrator telephones Alice and Bob to confirm their submittals and the public keys.

Add a note hereStep 3

Add a note hereThe CA administrator issues the certificate by adding some additional data to the certificate request, and digitally signing it all.

Add a note hereStep 4

Add a note hereEither the end user manually retrieves the certificate or SCEP automatically retrieves the certificate, and the certificate is installed onto the system.

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Add a note hereFigure 4-32: Certificate Enrollment

Add a note hereHaving installed certificates signed by the same CA, Bob and Alice are now ready to authenticate each other, as shown in Figure 4-33:

Add a note hereStep 1

Add a note hereBob and Alice exchange certificates. The CA is no longer involved.

Add a note hereStep 2

Add a note hereEach party verifies the digital signature on the certificate by hashing the plaintext portion of the certificate, decrypting the digital signature using the CA public key, and comparing the results. If the results match, the certificate is verified as being signed by a trusted third party, and the verification by the CA that Bob is Bob and Alice is Alice is accepted.

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Add a note hereFigure 4-33: Authentication Using Certificates

Add a note hereCompared to other authentication mechanisms, PKI has the following characteristics:

  • Add a note hereTo authenticate each other, users have to obtain the certificate of the CA and their own certificate. These steps require the out-of-band verification of the processes. After this verification is complete, the presence of the CA is no longer required until one of the certificates that is involved expires.

  • Add a note herePublic-key systems use asymmetric keys where one is public and the other one is private. One of the features of these algorithms is that whatever is encrypted using one key can only be decrypted using the other key. This provides nonrepudiation.

  • Add a note hereKey management is simplified because two users can freely exchange the certificates. The validity of the received certificates is verified using the public key of the CA, which the users have in their possession.

  • Add a note hereBecause of the strength of the algorithms involved, you can set a very long lifetime for the certificates, typically a lifetime measured in years.

Add a note hereThe disadvantages of using trusted third parties relate to key management:

  • Add a note hereA user certificate is compromised (stolen private key): Other users should not accept compromised certificates. The only way to prevent the compromised certificates from being used is to keep a list of all revoked certificates. A server, not necessarily the CA server, must be accessible to users so that they can periodically download the latest CRL and use the list when authenticating other users. If the CRL lists the received certificate of the user, the authentication fails.

  • Add a note hereThe certificate of the CA is compromised (stolen private key): This invalidates all certificates signed by the CA. A single CA environment requires the creation of a new CA certificate and the creation of new user certificates. A hierarchical CA environment requires the use of an authority revocation list (ARL), where all child certificates of the compromised CA become invalid if the ARL lists the CA.

  • Add a note hereThe CA administrator: The human factor is an additional limitation of the CA-based solution. To lessen the impact, the CA administrator should follow strict rules when issuing certificates to users. A security policy should define the steps required to create certificates (for example, mandatory out-of-band verification of all initial enrollment procedures or verification steps for CA administrators before approving a certificate requests).


Add a note hereNot covered in this book is the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) used as an alternative to a CRL. OCSP is described in RFC 2560.

Add a note hereWhen you use certificates in IP networks, you might need to combine public-key authentication with another authentication mechanism to increase the level of security and provide more authorization options. For example, IPsec using certificates for authentication and Extended Authentication (XAUTH) with one-time password hardware tokens would be a superior authentication scheme when compared to certificates alone.

Add a note hereCertificates were traditionally used at the application layer to provide strong authentication for applications; however, nowadays implementations can vary as to which layer on which they operate. Each application may have a different implementation of the actual authentication process, but they all use a similar type of certificate in the X.509 format.

Add a note hereSSL, which operates at the session layer of the OSI model, is probably the most widely used certificate-based authentication. SSL includes the negotiation of keys that are used to encrypt the SSL session. Many applications use SSL to provide authentication and encryption; the most widely used application is HTTPS. Other well-known applications that were using poor authentication and no encryption were modified to use SSL, such as Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), LDAP, and Post Office Protocol Version 3 (POP3).

Add a note hereEmail has experienced many extensions. One of the important extensions was the introduction of Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME), which allowed arbitrary data to be included in an email. Another extension was to provide security to entire mail messages or parts of mail messages. Secure/MIME (S/MIME) authenticates and encrypts email messages.

Add a note herePretty Good Privacy (PGP) is an application that was originally developed by Phil Zimmerman, a privacy advocate, so that end users could engage in confidential communications using encryption. The most frequent use of PGP has been to secure email.

Add a note hereCertificates are also used at the network layer, or at the application layer, by network devices. Cisco routers, Cisco VPN concentrators, and Cisco PIX firewalls can use certificates to authenticate IPsec peers.

Add a note hereCisco switches can use certificates to authenticate end devices connecting to LAN ports. Authentication uses 802.1X between the adjacent devices. The authentication can be proxied to a central access control server (ACS) via the Extensible Authentication Protocol with TLS (EAP-TLS).

Add a note hereCisco routers can also provide Telnet 3270 support that does not include encryption or strong authentication. Cisco routers can now use SSL to establish secure TN3270 sessions.

Add a note hereFigure 4-34 illustrates a network where certificates are used for various purposes. A single CA server can facilitate many applications that require digital certificates for authentication purposes.

Image from book
Add a note hereFigure 4-34: Where Certificates Are Used

Add a note hereUsing CA servers is therefore a solution that simplifies the management of authentication and provides strong security due to the strength of cryptographic mechanisms used in combination with digital certificates.


Add a note hereThe key points covered in this chapter are as follows:

  • Add a note hereA cryptosystem is made up of a combination of hashing, symmetric, and asymmetric algorithms.

  • Add a note hereSymmetric algorithms use a single key for encrypting and decrypting. Generally speaking, symmetric algorithms are the strongest and fastest algorithms and therefore are used for most encryption.

  • Add a note hereHashing algorithms use a one-way process designed to provide integrity. Usually, successful decryption of a digest provides proof of integrity and authenticity.

  • Add a note hereAsymmetric algorithms use a key pair for the encrypting/decrypting process. One key encrypts, and the other member of the pair decrypts.

Add a note hereReferences

Add a note hereFor additional information, refer to these resources:

  • Add a note hereKahn, D. The Codebreakers (Scribner, 1996)

  • Add a note hereSingh, S. The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography (Knopf Publishing Group, 1999)

  • Add a note hereU.S. Department of Commerce, http://www.commerce.gov

  • Add a note hereKaliski, B. TWIRL and RSA Key Size, http://www.rsasecurity.com/rsalabs/node.asp?id=2004

  • Add a note hereGiry, D. Cryptographic Key Length Recommendation, http://www.keylength.com/en/3/

  • Add a note hereNIST. AES, http://www.nist.gov/aes

  • Add a note hereRSA Laboratories. RSA Laboratories’ Frequently Asked Questions About Today’s Cryptography, Version 4.1 (RSA Security Inc., 2000)

  • Add a note hereFederal Information Processing Standards Publications. FIPS PUB 180-1, http://www.itl.nist.gov/fipspubs/fip180-1.htm

  • Add a note hereIETF. Public-Key Infrastructure (X.509) (pkix), http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/pkix-charter.html

  • Add a note hereRSA Laboratories. Crypto FAQ, http://www.rsa.com/rsalabs/node.asp?id=2152

  • Add a note hereRSA Laboratories. Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS), http://www.rsa.com/rsalabs/node.asp?id=2124


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