Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Chapter 03: Network Security Using Cisco IOS Firewalls (Part06)

Configuring a Cisco IOS Zone-Based Policy Firewall

Add a note hereZone-based policy firewalls change the original implementation of Cisco IOS Classic Firewall stateful inspection from the older interface-based model to a more flexible, more easily understood zone-based configuration model. This section focuses on the features of Cisco IOS zone-based policy firewalls and how to use the Cisco Router and Security Device Manager (SDM) to configure them.

Add a note hereZone-Based Policy Firewall Overview

Add a note hereThe original implementation of Cisco IOS Classic Firewall stateful inspection used an interface-based configuration model, in which a stateful inspection policy was applied to an interface. All traffic passing through that interface received the same inspection policy. This configuration model limited the granularity of the firewall policies and caused confusion of the proper application of firewall policies, particularly in scenarios when firewall policies must be applied between multiple interfaces.

Add a note hereZone-based policy firewall (sometimes referred to as ZBF, or zone-policy firewall [ZPF]) changes the firewall from the older interface-based model to a more flexible, more easily understood zone-based configuration model. Interfaces are assigned to zones, and an inspection policy is applied to traffic moving between the zones, as shown in Figure 3-32. Figure 3-32 shows three zones:

  • Add a note hereUntrusted: Represents the Internet

  • Add a note hereDMZ: Contains the corporate servers access from the public

  • Add a note hereTrusted: Represents the inside network

Click to collapseImage from book
Add a note hereFigure 3-32: Cisco IOS Zone-Based Policy Firewall

Add a note hereInterzone policies offer considerable flexibility and granularity, and thus enable you to apply different inspection policies to multiple host groups that are connected to the same router interface. The policies on Figure 3-32 are as follows:

  • Add a note herePublic: DMZ policy that sets the rules for traffic originating from the untrusted zone with the DMZ as destination

  • Add a note hereDMZ: Private policy that sets the rules for the traffic originating from the DMZ with the trusted zone as destination

  • Add a note herePrivate: DMZ policy that sets the rules for the traffic originating from the trusted zone with the DMZ as destination

  • Add a note herePrivate: Pubic policy that sets the rules for the traffic originating from the trusted zone with the untrusted zone as destination

Add a note hereZone-based policy firewalls are configured with the Cisco Common Classification Policy Language (C3PL), which uses a hierarchical structure to define inspection for network protocols and the groups of hosts to which the inspection will be applied.

Key Topic

Add a note hereCisco IOS zone-based policy firewalls support the following features:

  • Add a note hereStateful inspection

  • Add a note hereApplication inspection

  • Add a note hereURL filtering

  • Add a note herePer-policy parameter

  • Add a note hereTransparent firewall

  • Add a note hereVirtual routing and forwarding aware firewall

Add a note hereFirst-generation firewalls, packet filters, used only ACLs to control traffic. For this reason, it was relatively easy for attackers to breach a firewall, because no state data was examined. Second-generation firewalls, proxy firewalls, were concerned with the state of the connection, but they were application dependent. Third-generation firewalls, stateful packet filters, were developed to provide state tracking, application independence, and speed. Context-Based Access Control (CBAC), from the legacy Cisco IOS Firewall feature set, is an example of this type of third-generation firewall.

Add a note hereCBAC performs traffic filtering based on application-level protocol information. It does this filtering using stateful filters, whereby selected outbound traffic creates a temporary opening in the filter for replies to return through. This capability means that CBAC examines more than transport layer TCP or UDP ports. With FTP, it tracks the application as it opens ports for data connections, and allows the replies back through the firewall. With UDP, it tracks application ports and allows replies. With other application protocols, it tracks multiple connections that are created by negotiation on a control channel. Multimedia protocols, SQL*Net, and Remote Procedure Call (RPC) are examples of such traffic. CBAC can also perform Java blocking, based on server address. It does not perform Java or ActiveX content filtering.

Add a note hereThe inspection by CBAC also allows it to prevent certain DoS attacks. For example, it detects and prevents SYN flooding, badly out of sequence TCP packets, large numbers of half-open connections, and high rates of new connections.


Add a note hereCBAC can still be implemented on Cisco IOS Firewalls; however, interfaces that participate in a zone-based policy firewall cannot also participate in CBAC.

Add a note hereThe legacy stateful inspection done by CBAC was very complicated because there was a combination of ACLs and inspection rules, all of which worked together to accomplish the stateful packet filtering done by the firewall.

Add a note hereThe Cisco IOS zone-based policy firewall completely changes the way you configure a Cisco IOS Firewall.

Add a note hereThe first major change to the firewall configuration is the introduction of a zone-based configuration. A Cisco IOS Firewall is the first Cisco IOS Software threat defense feature to implement a zone configuration model. Other features will adopt the zone model over time.

Add a note hereThe classic Cisco IOS Firewall stateful inspection (CBAC) interface-based configuration model that you can configure using the ip inspect command will be maintained for a period of time, but few, if any, new features will be available.

Add a note hereA Cisco IOS zone-based policy firewall does not use the stateful inspection (CBAC) commands. You can use the two configuration models concurrently on routers but not on the same interfaces; you cannot configure an interface as a security zone member and for ip inspect simultaneously.

Add a note hereZones establish the security borders of your network. A zone defines a boundary where traffic is subjected to policy restrictions as it crosses to another region of your network. The default policy of a zone-policy firewall between zones is to “deny all.” If no policy is explicitly configured, all traffic moving between zones is blocked. This policy is a significant departure from the stateful inspection model, in which traffic is implicitly allowed unless it is explicitly blocked with an ACL entry.

Add a note hereThe second major change is the introduction of a new configuration policy language known as C3PL. The C3PL structure is similar to the modular QoS CLI (MQC) structure in which class maps specify the traffic that is affected by the action that the policy map applies.


Add a note hereInterface ACLs are still relevant and are applied before zone-based policy firewalls when they are applied inbound. Interface ACLs are applied after zone-based policy firewalls when they are applied outbound.

Zone-Based Policy Firewall Actions

Add a note hereThe Cisco IOS zone-based policy firewall can take three possible actions when you configure it using Cisco SDM:

  • Add a note hereInspect: This action configures Cisco IOS stateful packet inspection.

  • Add a note hereDrop: This action is analogous to deny in an ACL.

  • Add a note herePass: This action is analogous to permit in an ACL. The pass action does not track the state of connections or sessions within the traffic; pass allows the traffic only in one direction. A corresponding policy must be applied to allow return traffic to pass in the opposite direction.


Add a note hereThe pass action does not perform stateful inspection.

Zone-Based Policy Firewall: Rule for Application Traffic

Add a note hereThe membership of the router network interfaces in zones is subject to several rules governing interface behavior, as is the traffic moving between zone member interfaces:

  • Add a note hereA zone must be configured before you can assign interfaces to the zone.

  • Add a note hereYou can assign an interface to only one security zone.

  • Add a note hereTraffic is implicitly allowed to flow by default among interfaces that are members of the same zone.

  • Add a note hereTo permit traffic to and from a zone member interface, a policy allowing or inspecting traffic must be configured between that zone and any other zone.

  • Add a note hereTraffic cannot flow between a zone member interface and any interface that is not a zone member. You can apply pass, inspect, and drop actions only between two zones.

  • Add a note hereInterfaces that have not been assigned to a zone function as classical router ports and might still use classical stateful inspection (CBAC) configuration.

  • Add a note hereIf you do not want an interface on the router to be part of the zone-based firewall policy, it might still be necessary to put that interface in a zone and configure a “pass all” policy (sort of a dummy policy) between that zone and any other zone to which traffic flow is desired.

  • Add a note hereFrom the preceding rules it follows that if traffic is to flow among all the interfaces in a router, all the interfaces must be part of the zoning model (each interface must be a member of a zone).

Add a note hereTable 3-7 shows a number of examples of different interface and configuration combinations.

Add a note hereTable 3-7: Zone-Based Policy Firewall: Rules for Application Traffic
Open table as spreadsheet

Add a note hereSource Interface Member of Zone?

Add a note hereDestination Interface Member of Zone?

Add a note hereZone Pair Exists?

Add a note herePolicy Exists?

Add a note hereResult

Add a note hereNo

Add a note hereNo

Add a note hereN/A

Add a note hereN/A

Add a note hereNo impact of zoning/policy

Add a note hereYes (zone 1)

Add a note hereYes (zone 1)

Add a note hereN/A[*]

Add a note hereN/A

Add a note hereNo policy lookup (pass)

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereNo

Add a note hereN/A

Add a note hereN/A

Add a note hereDrop

Add a note hereNo

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereN/A

Add a note hereN/A

Add a note hereDrop

Add a note hereYes (zone 1)

Add a note hereYes (zone 2)

Add a note hereNo

Add a note hereN/A

Add a note hereDrop

Add a note hereYes (zone 1)

Add a note hereYes (zone 2)

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereNo

Add a note hereDrop

Add a note hereYes (zone 1)

Add a note hereYes (zone 2)

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note herePolicy actions

Add a note here[*]Zone pair must have different zone as source and destination

Zone-Based Policy Firewall: Rule for Router Traffic

Add a note hereThe rules for a zone-based policy firewall are different when the router is involved in the traffic flow, whether as the source of traffic or the destination. A zone-based policy firewall is used to control router administration where the router is the destination. Table 3-8 illustrates various scenarios that involve traffic in or out of the router.

Add a note hereTable 3-8: Zone-Based Policy Firewall: Rules for Router Traffic
Open table as spreadsheet

Add a note hereSource Interface Member of Zone?

Add a note hereDestination Interface Member of Zone?

Add a note hereZone Pair Exists?

Add a note herePolicy Exists?

Add a note hereResult

Add a note hereRouter

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereNo

Add a note hereN/A

Add a note herePass

Add a note hereRouter

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereNo

Add a note herePass

Add a note hereRouter

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note herePolicy actions

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereRouter

Add a note hereNo

Add a note hereN/A

Add a note herePass

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereRouter

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereNo

Add a note herePass

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereRouter

Add a note hereYes

Add a note hereYes

Add a note herePolicy actions

Add a note hereWhen an interface is configured to be a zone member, the hosts connected to the interface are included in the zone, but traffic flowing to and from the interfaces of the router is not controlled by the zone policies. Instead, all the IP interfaces on the router are automatically made part of the “self” zone when a zone-based policy firewall is configured. To limit IP traffic moving to the IP addresses of the router from the various zones on a router, policies must be applied to block, allow, or inspect traffic between the zone and the self zone of the router, and vice versa. If there are no policies between a zone and the self zone, all traffic is permitted to the interfaces of the router without being inspected.

Add a note hereIf desired, you can define a policy using the self zone as either the source or destination zone. The self zone is a system-defined zone. It does not require any interfaces to be configured as members. A zone pair that includes the self zone, along with the associated policy, applies to traffic that is directed to the router or traffic that the router generates. It does not apply to traffic traversing the router.

Add a note hereThe following are additional rules for zone-based policy firewalls that govern interface behavior when the router is involved in the traffic flow:

  • Add a note hereAll traffic to and from a given interface is implicitly blocked when the interface is assigned to a zone, except traffic to or from other interfaces in the same zone, and traffic to any interface on the router.

  • Add a note hereAll the IP interfaces on the router are automatically made part of the “self” zone when a zone-based policy firewall is configured. The self zone is the only exception to the default deny-all policy. All traffic to any router interface is allowed until traffic is explicitly denied.

  • Add a note hereThe only exception to the “deny by default” approach is the traffic to and from the router itself. This traffic is permitted by default. You can configure an explicit policy to restrict such traffic.

Add a note hereConfiguring Zone-Based Policy Firewalls Using the Basic Firewall Wizard

Add a note hereThe Basic Firewall Wizard of Cisco SDM helps you implement a firewall. The wizard walks you through creating the firewall by asking you for information about the interfaces on the router, whether you want to configure a demilitarized zone (DMZ) network, and what rules you want to use in the firewall, as shown in Figure 3-33.

Image from book
Add a note hereFigure 3-33: Cisco IOS Firewall Wizard

Add a note hereFollows these steps to configure a firewall using the Basic Firewall Wizard:

Add a note hereStep 1

Add a note hereFrom Cisco SDM, choose Configure > Firewall and ACL.

Add a note hereStep 2

Add a note hereFrom the Create Firewall tab, click the Basic Firewall option and click Launch the Selected Task button.

Add a note hereStep 3

Add a note hereThe Basic Firewall Configuration Wizard window appears (see Figure 3-34). Click Next to begin the configuration.

Image from book
Add a note hereFigure 3-34: Basic Firewall Configuration Wizard


Add a note hereIf there is no Cisco IOS Classic Firewall configured, a zone-based policy firewall is created by the Basic or Advanced Firewall Wizards.

Add a note hereThe first task you must perform to configure a basic firewall is to define inside (trusted) and outside (untrusted) interfaces. An outside (untrusted) interface is typically the router interface that is connected to the Internet or to your WAN. An inside (trusted) interface is typically a physical or logical interface that connects to the LAN. You can select multiple inside and outside interfaces.

Add a note hereThe following steps are used for interface configuration:

Add a note hereStep 4

Add a note hereFrom the Basic Firewall Interface Configuration window, check the outside (untrusted) check box and the inside (trusted) check box to identify each interface as an outside or an inside interface, as shown in Figure 3-35. Outside interfaces connect to your organization’s WAN or to the Internet. Inside interfaces connect to your LAN. You can choose more than one of each.

Image from book
Add a note hereFigure 3-35: Defining Inside and Outside Interfaces

Add a note hereStep 5

Add a note here(Optional) Check the Allow Secure Cisco SDM Access from Outside Interfaces check box if you want users outside of the firewall to be able to access the router using Cisco SDM. Choosing this option permits secure HTTP access to the outside (untrusted) interface. Because it is a secure Cisco SDM connection to the firewall, you will not be able to browse the outside (untrusted) interface via HTTP after the firewall wizard completes the configuration. After you click Next, the wizard displays a screen that allows you to specify a host IP address or a network address. The firewall will be modified to allow access to the address you specify.

Add a note hereStep 6

Add a note hereClick Next. If you checked the Allow Secure SDM Access from the Outside Interfaces check box, the Configuring Firewall for Remote Access window appears.

Add a note hereStep 7

Add a note hereFrom the Configuring Firewall for Remote Access window, specify the source host or network from which Cisco SDM is allowed to remotely manage the router. To do this, choose Network Address, Host IP Address, or Any from the Type drop-down list, and then fill in the IP Address and Subnet Mask fields as appropriate.

Add a note hereThe Basic Firewall Security Configuration window appears, as shown in Figure 3-36. Cisco SDM provides preconfigured application security policies that you can use to protect the network. Use the slider bar on the Basic Firewall Security Configuration window to choose the security level that you want and to view a description of the security that it provides.

Image from book
Add a note hereFigure 3-36: Application Security Policy

Add a note hereFrom the Basic Firewall Security Configuration window, you can click the Preview Commands button to view the Cisco IO commands that make up the chosen policy.


Add a note hereThe router must be configured with the IP address of at least one DNS server for application security to work.

Add a note hereThe Firewall Configuration Summary window displays the policy name chosen, SDM_HIGH, SDM_MEDIUM, or SDM_LOW, and the configuration statements in the policy, as shown in Figure 3-37.

Image from book
Add a note hereFigure 3-37: Finishing the Basic Firewall Wizard

Add a note hereExample 3-14 shows the commands executed by the Basic Firewall Wizard.

Add a note hereExample 3-14: Commands Executed by the Basic Firewall Configuration Wizard

Add a note hereclass-map type inspect match-any sdm-cls-insp-traffic
match protocol cuseeme
match protocol dns
match protocol ftp
match protocol h323
match protocol https
match protocol icmp
match protocol imap
match protocol pop3
match protocol netshow
match protocol shell
match protocol realmedia
match protocol rtsp
match protocol smtp extended
match protocol sql-net
match protocol streamworks
match protocol tftp
match protocol vdolive
match protocol tcp
match protocol udp
class-map type inspect match-all sdm-insp-traffic
match class-map sdm-cls-insp-traffic
class-map type inspect match-any SDM_EIGRP
match access-group name SDM_EIGRP
class-map type inspect match-any SDM_EIGRP_TRAFFIC
match class-map SDM_EIGRP
class-map type inspect match-all SDM_EIGRP_PT
match class-map SDM_EIGRP_TRAFFIC
class-map type inspect match-any sdm-cls-icmp-access
match protocol icmp
class-map type inspect match-all sdm-icmp-access
match class-map sdm-cls-icmp-access
class-map type inspect match-all sdm-invalid-src
match access-group 100
class-map type inspect match-all sdm-protocol-http
match protocol http
policy-map type inspect sdm-permit-icmpreply
class type inspect sdm-icmp-access
class class-default
policy-map type inspect sdm-inspect
class type inspect sdm-invalid-src
drop log
class type inspect sdm-insp-traffic
class type inspect sdm-protocol-http
class class-default
policy-map type inspect sdm-permit
class type inspect SDM_EIGRP_PT
class class-default
zone security out-zone
zone security in-zone
zone-pair security sdm-zp-self-out source self destination out-zone
service-policy type inspect sdm-permit-icmpreply
zone-pair security sdm-zp-out-self source out-zone destination self
service-policy type inspect sdm-permit
zone-pair security sdm-zp-in-out source in-zone destination out-zone
service-policy type inspect sdm-inspect
interface FastEthernet0/0
description $FW_INSIDE$
zone-member security in-zone
interface Serial0/0/0
description $FW_OUTSIDE$
zone-member security out-zone
ip access-list extended SDM_EIGRP
remark SDM_ACL Category=1
permit eigrp any any
access-list 100 remark SDM_ACL Category=128
access-list 100 permit ip host any
access-list 100 permit ip any
access-list 100 permit ip any

Add a note hereManually Configuring Zone-Based Policy Firewalls Using Cisco SDM

Add a note hereCisco IOS zone-based policy firewalls are configured using C3PL, which uses a hierarchical structure to define inspection for network protocols and the groups of hosts to which the inspection applies.

Add a note hereThere are four main steps to configure a Cisco IOS zone-based policy firewall:

Add a note hereStep 1

Add a note hereDefine zones.

Add a note hereStep 2

Add a note hereDefine class maps.

Add a note hereStep 3

Add a note hereDefine policy maps.

Add a note hereStep 4

Add a note hereDefine zone pairs and assign policy maps to zone pairs.

Add a note hereFor a description of how you can implement a zone-based policy firewall, refer to the Zone-Based Policy Firewall Design Guide at Cisco.com.

Step 1: Define Zones

Add a note hereThe first step in configuring a Cisco IOS zone-based policy firewall is to create zones. A zone, or security zone, is a group of interfaces to which you can apply a security policy. The interfaces in a zone should share common functions or features. For example, you might place two interfaces that connect to the LAN in one security zone, and the interfaces that connect to the Internet into another security zone.

Add a note hereFor traffic to flow among all the interfaces in a router, all the interfaces must be a member of a security zone. It is not necessary for all router interfaces to be members of security zones.

Add a note hereFollow these steps to create a zone:

Add a note hereStep 1

Add a note hereChoose Configure > Additional Tasks > Zones.

Add a note hereStep 2

Add a note hereFrom the Zone panel, click Add to create a new zone, as shown in Figure 3-38.

Image from book
Add a note hereFigure 3-38: Defining Zones with SDM

Add a note hereStep 3

Add a note hereThe Add a Zone window appears. Enter a zone name in the Zone Name field.

Add a note hereStep 4

Add a note hereChoose the interfaces that should participate in this zone by checking the check box in front of the interface name. Because physical interfaces can be placed in only one zone, they do not appear in the list if they have already been assigned to a zone. You can place virtual interfaces, such as Dialer interfaces or Virtual Template interfaces, in multiple zones, so these interfaces always appear in the list.

Add a note hereAs you assign interfaces to zones, keep in mind the zone-based policy firewall rules that govern the interface behavior, such as described in Table 3-7.

Add a note hereStep 5

Add a note hereClick OK to create the zone, and click OK at the Commands Delivery Status window.

Add a note hereAfter a zone has been created, you can change the interfaces that are associated with the zone, but you cannot change the name of the zone. Click Edit from the Zone panel to choose different interfaces for an existing zone. Click Delete from the Zone panel to remove a zone.


Add a note hereA zone that is a member of a zone pair cannot be deleted.

Step 2: Define Class Maps

Add a note hereThe next step in configuring a Cisco IOS zone-based policy firewall is to configure the class maps. Class maps identify traffic and traffic parameters that a Cisco IOS zone-based policy firewall selects for policy application. The policy maps define the actions to be taken on the traffic. Configuring a class map involves associating the class map with some traffic and setting attributes for the traffic.

Add a note hereLayer 3/4 class maps sort the traffic based on the following criteria:

  • Add a note hereAccess group: A standard, extended, or named ACL can filter traffic based on source and destination IP addresses and source and destination ports.

  • Add a note hereProtocol: The class map can identify Layer 4 protocols such as TCP, UDP, and ICMP, and application services such as HTTP, SMTP, and DNS. Any well-known or user-defined service known to Port-to-Application Mapping (PAM) can be specified.

  • Add a note hereClass map: A subordinate class map that provides additional match criteria can be nested inside another class map.

Add a note hereClass maps can apply “match-any” or “match-all” operators to determine how to apply the match criteria. If match-any is specified, traffic must meet only one of the match criteria in the class map. Match-any is a logical OR operation, a logical disjunction. If match-all is specified, traffic must match all the class map criteria to belong to that particular class. Match-all is a logical AND operation, a logical conjunction.

Add a note hereTo create a class map using Cisco SDM, choose Configure > Additional Tasks > C3PL > Class Map > Inspection, as shown in Figure 3-39. From the Inspect Class Maps panel, you can review, create, and edit class maps. The Class Map Name area of the window lists the configured class maps, and the lower portion of the window displays the details of the selected class map. If you need to edit a class map or see more detail about a class map, choose the class map from the list and click Edit.

Image from book
Add a note hereFigure 3-39: Defining Class Maps Through SDM


Add a note hereA zone-based policy firewall also supports advanced Layer 7 application inspection. This topic is covered in the Cisco Securing Networks with Cisco Routers and Switches (SNRS) course.

Step 3: Define Policy Maps

Add a note hereOnce you have created class maps, you create policy maps to which you apply class maps. Policy maps specify the actions to be taken when traffic matches the criteria. A policy map associates traffic classes with actions.

Add a note hereInspection policy maps specify the action the router should take for traffic that matches the criteria in the associated class maps. The following are the actions a policy map supports:

  • Add a note herePass: Traffic is allowed to pass from one zone to another, only in one direction. The router does not monitor the state of connections or session.

  • Add a note hereDrop: The router drops unwanted traffic and can optionally log the event.

  • Add a note hereInspect: The router maintains state-based session and connection information so that the router permits traffic returning from a destination zone to a source zone.

Add a note hereFollow these steps to create a policy map using Cisco SDM:

Add a note hereStep 1

Add a note hereChoose Configure > Additional Tasks > C3PL > Policy Map > Protocol Inspection.

Add a note hereStep 2

Add a note hereFrom the Protocol Inspection Policy Maps panel, click Add.

Add a note hereStep 3

Add a note hereEnter a policy name in the Policy Name field and optionally add a description in the Description field. The name and description that you enter will be visible in the Protocol Inspect Policy Maps window.

Add a note hereStep 4

Add a note hereThe Class Map and Action columns display the class maps that are associated with this policy map, and the action that the router should take for the traffic that the class map describes. Click Add to add a new class map to the list and configure the action.

Add a note hereStep 5

Add a note hereThe Associate Class Map window appears. In the Class Name field, enter the name of the class map you want to apply. If you do not know the name of the class map, or you want to create a new class map, click the down arrow to the right of the Class Name field. A pop-up menu appears that allows you to add a class map, select a class map, or choose the class-default, as shown in Figure 3-40.

Image from book
Add a note hereFigure 3-40: Defining Policy Maps Through SDM

Add a note hereStep 6

Add a note hereAfter you have selected the class map, you must define the action that the policy map will take for traffic that matches this class map. From the Action section, click Pass, Drop, or Inspect, based on your needs for this class map.

Add a note hereStep 7

Add a note hereClick OK.

Add a note hereStep 8

Add a note hereIf you want to add another class map to the policy, click Add. If you want to modify the actions of an existing class map, choose the class map from the Class Map list and click Edit. If you need to delete a class map, choose the class map from the Class Map list and click Delete. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order in which the class maps are evaluated.

Add a note hereStep 9

Add a note hereClick OK. At the Command Delivery Status window, click OK.

Step 4: Define Zone Pairs and Assign Policy Maps to Zone Pairs

Add a note hereA zone pair allows you to specify a unidirectional firewall policy between two security zones. The direction of the traffic is determined by specifying a source and destination security zone. The same zone cannot be defined as both the source and the destination.

Add a note hereIf you want traffic to flow in both directions between two zones, you must create a zone pair for each direction. If you want traffic to flow freely among all interfaces, each interface must be configured in a zone.

Add a note hereFollow these steps to configure a new zone pair:

Add a note hereStep 1

Add a note hereChoose Configure > Additional Tasks > Zone Pairs.

Add a note hereStep 2

Add a note hereFrom the Zone Pairs panel, click Add. The Add a Zone Pair window appears, as shown in Figure 3-41.

Image from book
Add a note hereFigure 3-41: Assigning Policy Maps to Zone Pairs

Add a note hereStep 3

Add a note hereIn the Zone Pair field, enter a name for the zone pair. Choose a source zone from which traffic will originate, a destination zone to which traffic is to be sent, and the policy that determines which traffic can be sent across the zones.

Add a note hereThe Source Zone and Destination Zone lists contain the zones configured on the router and the self zone. The self zone can be used when you are configuring zone pairs for traffic originating from the router itself, or destined for the router itself, such as a zone pair that is configured for SNMP traffic. The Policy list contains the name of each policy map that is configured on the router.

Add a note hereStep 4

Add a note hereClick OK in the Add a Zone Pair window, and click OK in the Command Delivery Status window.

Add a note hereTo edit a zone pair, from the Zone Pairs panel choose the zone pair you want to edit and click Edit. If you are editing a zone pair, you can change the policy map, but you cannot change the name or the source or destination zones.

Add a note hereAfter you have created the firewall, you can examine it by choosing Configure > Firewall and ACL and clicking the Edit Firewall Policy tab, as shown in Figure 3-42. A graphical view of the firewall displays in the context of the router interfaces. You can modify the firewall from this window if you need to.

Image from book
Add a note hereFigure 3-42: Reviewing Firewall Policy

Add a note hereFigure 3-43 shows, in a methodical manner, an example of what the resulting CLI commands might look like after configuring a Cisco IOS zone-based policy firewall that uses two interfaces and the default inspection parameters.

Image from book
Add a note hereFigure 3-43: Cisco IOS Zone-Based Firewall CLI Configuration

Add a note hereThe class map named iinsprotocols is created and identifies three protocols that are to be inspected (HTTP, SMTP, and FTP). A policy map named iinspolicy is created that applies stateful inspection to the protocols that are listed in the iinsprotocols class map. Two zones, named private and internet, are created. Fastethernet0/0 is made a member of the private zone, and serial0/0/0 is made a member of the internet zone. Lastly, a zone pair named priv-to-internet is created with a source zone of private, a destination zone of “internet” zone, and the policy map named iinspolicy applied to it.

Add a note hereMonitoring a Zone-Based-Firewall

Add a note hereIf the router runs a Cisco IOS image that supports the zone-based policy firewall feature, you can use the Cisco SDM to display the status of the firewall activity for each zone pair configured on the router. To display the firewall status information, choose Monitor > Firewall Status, as shown in Figure 3-44.

Image from book
Add a note hereFigure 3-44: Cisco IOS Zone-Based Firewall CLI Configuration

Add a note hereThe firewall policy list area displays the policy name, source zone, and destination zone for each zone pair. From the View Interval list box, choose one of the following options to specify how data should be collected:

  • Add a note hereReal-time data every 10 sec: Data is reported every 10 seconds. Each check mark on the horizontal axis of the Dropped Packets and Allowed Packets graph represents 10 seconds.

  • Add a note here60 minutes of data polled every 1 minute: Data is collected every 1 minute, and the last 60 minutes result is displayed. Each check mark on the horizontal axis of the Dropped Packets and Allowed Packets graph represents 1 minute.

  • Add a note here12 hours of data polled every 12 minutes: Data is reported every 12 minutes. Each check mark on the horizontal axis of the Dropped Packets and Allowed Packets graph represents 12 minutes.

Add a note hereUse the show policy-map type inspect zone-pair session command to examine the active connections in the zone-based policy firewall state table.

Add a note hereExample 3-15 output shows active connections from to port 80.

Add a note hereExample 3-15: show policy-map Command Output

Add a note hereR2# show policy-map type inspect zone-pair session
Zone-pair: IINS-PAIR
Service-policy inspect : HTTP-Policy
Class-map: HTTP-Class (match-all)
Match: access-group 110
Match: protocol http
Established Sessions
Session 643BCF88 (>( http SIS_OPEN
Created 00:00:10, Last heard 00:00:00
Bytes sent (initiator:responder) [1268:64324]
Session 643BB9C8 (>( http SIS_OPEN
Created 00:00:16, Last heard 00:00:06
Bytes sent (initiator:responder) [2734:38447]
Session 643BD240 (>( http SIS_OPEN
Created 00:00:14, Last heard 00:00:07
Bytes sent (initiator:responder) [2219:39813]
Session 643BBF38 (>( http SIS_OPEN
Created 00:00:14, Last heard 00:00:06
Bytes sent (initiator:responder) [2106:19895]
Class-map: class-default (match-any)
Match: any
Drop (default action)
58 packets, 2104 bytes


Add a note hereIn this chapter, you have learned that a firewall is a set of rules designed to enforce an access control policy between two networks. You learned how to create firewall rules to implement your security policies. Cisco provides a range of firewall products that help you implement your security policies in a cost-effective way. ACLs provide packet-filtering capabilities for routers and firewalls to protect internal networks from the outside.

Add a note hereA zone-based policy firewall changes the firewall from the older interface-based model to a more flexible, more easily understood zone-based configuration model. Cisco IOS zone-based policy firewalls provide a more flexible way to implement your security policy and Cisco Router and Security Device Manager (SDM) makes it easier for you to configure and maintain the firewall capabilities of your routers.

Add a note hereReferences

Add a note hereFor additional information, refer to these resources:

  • Add a note hereDeal, R. Cisco Router Firewall Security (Cisco Press, 2005)

  • Add a note hereBeaver, K. Firewall Best Practices, http://www.principlelogic.com/docs/Firewall_Best_Practices.pdf

  • Add a note hereMorgan, B. and N. Lovering. CCNP ISCW Official Exam Certification Guide (Cisco Press, 2007)

  • Add a note hereCisco Systems, Inc. The Zone-Based Policy Firewall Design Guide, http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/secursw/ps1018/products_tech_note09186a00808bc994.shtml

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